CAIRO, Sept 29 (MENA) - Former assistant foreign minister Salah Halima said the Egyptian stance on the Palestinian issue is honorable and a source of pride for all, as this position is characterized by clarity and stability.

On the sidelines of his participation in the conference on Peace and Development within an Arab and African Framework, held at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Arab League Sunday, he said the Egyptian position regarding dealing with the repercussions of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and all other occupied Palestinian territories enjoys the utmost appreciation and respect from many countries of the world and regional and international organizations, especially the United Nations and the European Union.

In statements to MENA, Halima said the Egyptian role in dealing with the current situation in the Palestinian territories had a positive and constructive impact on the course of the Palestinian issue and on the course of confronting the brutal Israeli aggression on Gaza, as there is now an international understanding that Israel has an expansionist and colonial policy, and that the only way for realizing peace in the Middle East is through the establishment of a Palestinian state in accordance with international legitimacy rules and UN resolutions.

Halima underlined the necessity of holding an international peace conference whose reference is the Cairo Peace Conference held in 2023, and the extraordinary Arab-Islamic summit held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which laid out a clear roadmap regarding how to address the Palestinian issue on the basis of international legitimacy resolutions, relevant resolutions and agreements, and international charters.

He highlighted the importance of the role of the international community, whether at the official or popular levels, in supporting the Palestinian right at the present time and moving towards recognizing the State of Palestine as a full member of the United Nations.

“Israel is challenging the international community with its current policy as a result of the unlimited American support for the Israeli occupation,” he said, pointing out that no matter how long this dismal situation lasts, the will of the people and international law and conventions will prevail in the end.

He stressed the importance of an Arab-Islamic movement supported by all countries, organizations and peoples to take a decisive stance towards both Israel and the United States.

Regarding the conference, the former official said it coincides with the Future Summit held on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, which aimed to enhance work within the multilateral framework.

Halima said the conference also comes within the framework of a strategic vision that stipulates that the Arab region and the African continent complement each other.

He suggested that there would be a mechanism that brings together the Arab League, the Council of Red Sea Coastal States, and the African Union to undertake the process of combating challenges in order to achieve security and stability and advance the sustainable development process in conformity with the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the African Union Program 2063.