As for Libya, both sides said they are welcoming efforts by the 5+5 Joint Military Commission (JMC) to unify military and security institutions in Libya.

They asserted the need to achieve progress at both the political and security levels including the withdrawal of all foreign forces and mercenaries.

The two sides emphasized the necessity of finding a new, unified executive authority in Libya and holding presidential and parliamentary elections.

Shifting to Africa and security of the Red Sea, Egypt and Spain reiterated commitment to maintaining ongoing cooperation in food and security. They also stressed the importance of cooperation in transboundary water management in accordance with the international law.

The two countries asserted the importance of stability in Africa, particularly the Sahel region and the Horn of Africa.

They agreed on the need of maintaining the safety of international navigation movement in the Red Sea as a vital corridor to global trade with respect to its direct impact on the Suez Canal and vital supply chains.

Additionally, the two sides discussed the situation in Sudan with Spain appreciating the Egyptian efforts to achieve stability in the country.

Both sides asserted the necessity of respecting the unity and safety of Sudan and maintaining the national institutions in the country. They underlined the importance of launching a comprehensive political process without any foreign dictations along with achieving democratic aspirations for the Sudanese people.

The two parties are urging countries and donors to honor their pledges they made at the conferences in Geneva on June, 2023 and in Paris on April, 2024 to support Sudan and neighboring states hosting Sudanese fleeing war back home. (MENA)