Politics and Diplomacy
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- Category : Politics and Diplomacy
Shoukry asks UNSC to shoulder its responsibility to reach binding deal on GERD 2 New York
Date: 2021-07-09 00:50:52 GMT - United Nations - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:1 - ID:9052180
The Egyptian top diplomat said UNSC should assume its responsibilities to maintain peace and security and embrace a draft resolution floated by Tunisia to back the negotiation track. Regarding the possibility of Egypt opting for a military ....
Shoukry asks UNSC to shoulder its responsibility to reach binding deal on GERD 3 New York
Date: 2021-07-08 23:51:41 GMT - United Nations - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:157 - ID:9052184
Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said that all measures taken by Ethiopia over the past 10 years leaned against claims of “injustice”, a matter which is baseless, in order to avert entering a binding agreement. “Egypt acknowledged Ethiopia’s right ....
Shoukry asks UNSC to shoulder its responsibility to reach binding deal on GERD
Date: 2021-07-08 23:50:52 GMT - United Nations - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:156 - ID:9052176
NEW YORK, July 8 (MENA) - Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry asked the UN Security Council (UNSC) to shoulder its responsibility and work on resuming talks on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) under the sponsorship of the African Union ....
Egypt facing 'existential threat' due to Ethiopia's GERD on Nile: FM tells UNSC 10 New York
Date: 2021-07-08 23:48:29 GMT - United Nations - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:155 - ID:9052159
In the absence of an agreement that regulates its filling and operation, the GERD can cause cumulative water shortages in Egypt amounting to 120 billion cubic meters, it will diminish access to clean drinking water, it could deprive millions of ....
Egypt facing 'existential threat' due to Ethiopia's GERD on Nile: FM tells UNSC 9 New York
Date: 2021-07-08 23:46:46 GMT - United Nations - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:154 - ID:9052160
However, after a year of faltering negotiations …… and despite the highly appreciated good offices and untiring efforts of President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa and President Felix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of the Congo during their ....
Egypt facing 'existential threat' due to Ethiopia's GERD on Nile: FM tells UNSC 8 New York
Date: 2021-07-08 23:40:08 GMT - United Nations - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:152 - ID:9052137
Ethiopia is also seeking to use the GERD negotiations as a back-door through which to consecrate an unlimited and an unregulated right to construct future projects along the Blue Nile and has demanded that its co-riparians sign a hydrological ....
Saint Vincent and Grenadines representative: Nile River highly important as transboundary water source
Date: 2021-07-08 23:22:17 GMT - United Nations - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:150 - ID:9052164
NEW YORK, July 8 (MENA) - Inga Rhonda King, the representative of Saint Vincent and Grenadines to the UN Security Council said the Nile River is of great importance as a transboundary water source for Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt and all countries in its ....
Egypt facing 'existential threat' due to Ethiopia's GERD on Nile: FM tells UNSC 7 New York
Date: 2021-07-08 23:08:16 GMT - United Nations - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:149 - ID:9052133
Ethiopia has sought to justify these unreasonable positions by invoking some mythical injustice that had been wrought upon it by so-called colonial treaties or by an unfair status quo, the foreign minister said. "Ethiopia was never a colony, and ....
US representative: Horn of Africa at an inflection point
Date: 2021-07-08 23:07:18 GMT - United Nations - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:148 - ID:9052134
NEW YORK, July 8 (MENA) - US representative to the United Nations Security Council Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said the Horn of Africa is at an inflection point. Addressing a UN Security Council session on the Ethiopian dam on Thursday, ....
Egypt facing 'existential threat' due to Ethiopia's GERD on Nile: FM tells UNSC 6 New York
Date: 2021-07-08 23:02:53 GMT - United Nations - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:145 - ID:9052112
Realizing this objective of concluding a fair and balanced agreement on the GERD is not unsurmountable nor is it beyond reach, the foreign minister said. “Indeed, the continued failure of negotiations is not due to a lack of scientific solutions ....