Politics and Diplomacy

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  • Category : Politics and Diplomacy
  • Norway delegation to UNSC calls for refraining from unilateral measures on Ethiopian dam

    Date: 2021-07-09 03:14:15 GMT - United Nations - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:11 - ID:9052247

    NEW YORK, July 8 (MENA) - Norway's delegate to the United Nations, Mona Juul called Thursday for having the Renaissance Dam as a source of cooperation not conflict, calling for refraining from any unilateral measures that undermine negotiations and ....

  • Irish delegation stresses importance of reaching binding agreement on GERD

    Date: 2021-07-09 02:59:57 GMT - United Nations - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:10 - ID:9052245

    NEW YORK, July 8 (MENA) - Ireland's delegate to the United Nations Geraldine Byrne Nason said that reaching a permanent and binding agreement on the Renaissance Dam is critical to the long-term stability and development of the Horn of Africa and the ....

  • Estonia representative to UNSC: About time binding agreement on GERD reached

    Date: 2021-07-09 02:49:33 GMT - United Nations - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:9 - ID:9052244

    NEW YORK, July 9 (MEMA) - Estonia's delegate to the UN Security Council said that it is about time a binding agreement on filling and operating the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam was reached between Cairo, Khartoum and Addis Ababa, reiterating that ....

  • Niger calls for refraining from unilateral measures regarding GERD

    Date: 2021-07-09 02:41:42 GMT - Egypt - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:8 - ID:9052243

    NEW YORK, July 8 (MENA) - The representative of Niger at the UN Security Council called for not taking any unilateral measures, actions or words that would negatively affect the Renaissance Dam negotiations. In a speech before the UN Security ....

  • India's delegate to UNSC: 2015 Declaration of Principles constitutes valid basis for continuing negotiations

    Date: 2021-07-09 02:29:33 GMT - United Nations - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:7 - ID:9052242

    NEW YORK, July 8 (MENA) - India's delegate to the Security Council asserted that the 2015 Declaration of Principles constitutes a valid basis for continuing negotiations aimed at reaching an amicable solution on the Renaissance Dam that protects the ....

  • Sudanese FM voices optimism UNSC to shoulder its responsibilities regarding GERD

    Date: 2021-07-09 02:17:19 GMT - USA - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:6 - ID:9052241

    NEW YORK, July 8 (MENA) - Sudanese Foreign Minister Maryam Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi expressed her optimism that the UN Security Council would adopt a draft resolution on the issue of the Renaissance Dam that reflects its responsibilities as a guardian of ....

  • China hopes three states resume dialogue on GERD - ambassador

    Date: 2021-07-09 01:53:42 GMT - USA - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:5 - ID:9052240

    NEW YORK, July 8 (MENA) - China's Ambassador to the United Nations Security Council Zhang Jun voiced hope that Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan would resume dialogue on the Ethiopian dam as soon as possible. "China fully understands the legitimate ....

  • UNSC chief stresses need to mobilize efforts to reach agreement on GERD

    Date: 2021-07-09 01:36:24 GMT - United Nations - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:4 - ID:9052230

    NEW YORK, July 8 (MENA) - Nicolas de Riviere, the Permanent Representative of the French Republic to the United Nations and President of the Security Council, confirmed the continuation of mobilizing efforts to reach a binding agreement on the ....

  • China's delegate asserts need to take into account rights of downstream, upstream states

    Date: 2021-07-09 01:27:53 GMT - United Nations - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:3 - ID:9052228

    NEW YORK, July 8 (MENA) - China's delegate to the UN Security Council stressed the need to take into account the national interests of upstream and downstream countries in the issue of water resources for transboundary rivers, considering it as a ....

  • Shoukry asks UNSC to shoulder its responsibility to reach binding deal on GERD 4 last New York

    Date: 2021-07-09 00:51:30 GMT - United Nations - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:2 - ID:9052183

    Asked about the possibility of Russia’s help in international efforts to bring closer views on the GERD, the foreign minister said Egypt welcomes all efforts exerted at the international level. “Egypt interacts with all parties that have the ....

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