
  • Service : English General
  • Category : Miscellaneous
  • ISESCO enlists three Egyptian sites

    Date: 2013-11-06 17:24:34 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:117 - ID:373629

    CAIRO, Nov 6 (MENA) – The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) has agreed to enlist three Egyptian sites; Alexandria's Abu Mena monastery, the Saint Catherine area in South Sinai, and Cairo's famous Moez el-Din Allah ....

  • Piece of stolen antiquity restored by police

    Date: 2013-11-06 12:08:15 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:66 - ID:373034

    GIZA, Nov 6 (MENA) - Tourism and antiquities police managed to restore a piece of antiquity that has been stolen from a tomb in Saqqara complex in Giza. Giza investigators intensified their search for antiquity criminals who have stolen some ....

  • Tokh drainage project completed -- head of municipal council

    Date: 2013-11-05 09:44:08 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:33 - ID:371245

    BANHA, Egypt, Nov 5 (MENA) - Head of the Tokh municipality Abdel-Hakim el-Qadi has announced the completion of a drainage project in the districts of Kafr Mansour, Kom el-Atroun and Kafr Abed. The project costs some 35 million pounds, Qadi ....

  • HCRP director says protecting monuments responsibility of all Egyptians

    Date: 2013-11-05 09:42:41 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:32 - ID:371214

    CAIRO, Nov 5 (MENA) - It is the responsibility of all Egyptians to protect their monuments, said Mohamed Abdel-Aziz, director of the Historic Cairo Restoration Project (HCRP). In statements to MENA Tuesday, Abdel-Aziz stressed the importance of ....

  • 31,000 tons of diesel oil arrive at Alexandria port

    Date: 2013-11-04 11:46:27 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:84 - ID:370031

    ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, Nov 4 (MENA) - A cargo ship with 31,000 tons of diesel oil sailed into Alexandria Port on Monday coming from Greece, said chairman of the Alexandria Port Authority Adel Yassin Hamad. All measures were taken to unload the ....

  • Story circulated on stealing Horus tomb "baseless"

    Date: 2013-11-04 11:14:12 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:73 - ID:369908

    CAIRO, Nov 4 (MENA) – Minister of Antiquities Mohamed Ibrahim tasked Monday the archaeological sector head to refute a fabricated story published by a news outlet and posted on the internet on Sunday about stealing a Pharaonic tomb of the ancient ....

  • Mansour exchanges greeting cables with kings, heads of Arab, Islamic states on new Islamic calender year

    Date: 2013-11-04 11:10:28 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:71 - ID:369911

    CAIRO, Nov 4 (MENA) - Interim President Counselor Adly Mansour exchanged on Monday greeting cables with king and heads of Arab and Islamic states on the new Islamic calendar year. He also sent a greeting cable to Egyptian expatriates on the ....

  • Gang arrested in Qena for stealing cars

    Date: 2013-11-04 06:53:48 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:15 - ID:369360

    QENA, Upper Egypt, Nov 4 (MENA) - Qena police have arrested a gang that has been stealing cars and re-selling them in Nagaa Hammadi. Mohsen Radwan, Ahmed Abul-Wafa, Mahmoud Helmy and Mohamed Salem were arrested and had seven cars in ....

  • More artifacts looted from Malawi museum restored

    Date: 2013-11-03 18:14:17 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:128 - ID:368969

    MENYA, Upper Egypt, Nov 3 (MENA) - The tourism and antiquities police in Menya, south of Cairo, managed to retrieve five artifacts looted from the Malawi national museum on Sunday. The museum was looted on August 15 during deadly clashes that ....

  • Partial solar eclipse on Egypt ends

    Date: 2013-11-03 15:49:24 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:110 - ID:368825

    CAIRO, Nov 3 (MENA) – A historic solar eclipse ended on Sunday at 4:46 p.m. (Cairo local time) as Egypt witnessed a partial cover-up of the sun that reached its peak at 3:59 p.m when the moon covered 15% of the sun's disk. This eclipse is the ....

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