
  • Service : English General
  • Category : Miscellaneous
  • Attempt to sell 38 kilos of bango drug foiled in Safaga

    Date: 2014-09-21 12:48:16 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:75 - ID:981605

    HURGHADA, Sept 21 (MENA) - Red Sea security forces under Major General Hamdi el-Gazar thwarted on Sunday an attempt to sell 38 kilos of bango drug in Safaga town of the Red Sea province. Acting upon a tip-off, the Red Sea security forces ....

  • 3,685 passengers cross Safaga harbor

    Date: 2014-09-19 14:55:40 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:59 - ID:971009

    HURGHADA, Egypt, Sept 19 (MENA) - Some 3,685 travelers, mostly Egyptians working in Gulf countries, crossed Safaga harbor on Friday, said a well-placed official with the harbor. Yousefiya ferry boat with 1,405 Egyptian passengers on board, ....

  • Vessel from Turkey sails into Alex port

    Date: 2014-09-17 08:18:56 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:22 - ID:955409

    ALEXANDRIA, Sept 17 (MENA) - A vessel sailed into Alexandria Port on Wednesday from Turkey carrying 500 vehicles of various brands on board. The shipment was unloaded and all relevant procedures were completed smoothly.(MENA) DA ....

  • Italian health min. rules out Ebola risk from migrants

    Date: 2014-09-16 11:40:40 GMT - Italy - Miscellaneous - SN:58 - ID:949809

    ROME, Sept 16 (MENA) - Italy's Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin has dismissed that illegal African migrants coming to Italy could be carrying Ebola risk. In statements on Tuesday, Lorenzin said: "Ebola is a virus limited to some ....

  • Nayer Naguie happy to be in Algeria

    Date: 2014-09-15 06:36:18 GMT - Algeria - Miscellaneous - SN:15 - ID:940389

    ALGIERS, Sept 15 (MENA) - Egyptian composer and conductor Nayer Naguie, who is currently in Algeria for the Symphonic Music Festival, said Monday he is happy to be. This is not the first time Naguie has visited Algeria. He told MENA ....

  • Sawy Culturewheel to host 1st folk music festival

    Date: 2014-09-14 11:07:31 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:44 - ID:935797

    CAIRO, Sept 14 (MENA) – The countdown has started for the first edition of folk music festival "WANAS" which is held under UNESCO's sponsorship on September 18-20 in El Sawy Culturewheel. The festival is an international cultural event, the first ....

  • Delay of Villa Touma original copy bans movie from being shown at Alex festival

    Date: 2014-09-13 11:57:46 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:43 - ID:929885

    CAIRO, Sept 13 (MENA) - The administration of Alexandria Film Festival has apologized for not screening "Villa Touma" movie for its director Suha Arraf as the original copy of the movie did not reach the festival at the opening ceremony. The ....

  • Cairo's international folk musical festival kicks off on Thursday

    Date: 2014-09-12 16:56:37 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:80 - ID:925505

    CAIRO, Sept 12 (MENA) – The first edition of the "Wanas" Cairo International Folk Music Festival would kick off on Thursday at El Sawy Culture wheel. Folk bands from all over the world will be converging on the festival, which is sponsored by ....

  • Germany trains 160 doctors on latest forensic techniques

    Date: 2014-09-11 10:58:59 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:41 - ID:918497

    CAIRO, Sept 11 (MENA) - Deputy Head of Forensic Doctors Magda al-Qaradawi said on Thursday that cooperation between Egypt and Germany in the field of forensic medicine and DNA tests covers 160 Egyptian doctors and chemists. As many as 32 ....

  • Project to preserve national archives under way -- minister

    Date: 2014-09-09 14:19:00 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:89 - ID:913764

    CAIRO, Sept 9 (MENA) - A project to preserve and modernize the national archives of the real estate tax authority has been launched, the minister of finance said. The project aims to preserve a treasure of ancient namuscripts, documents and files ....

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