Web News Listing

  • Service : English
  • Hundreds of Syrian refugees in Lebanon to return home

    Hundreds of Syrian refugees in Lebanon to return home

    Date: 2018-04-18 09:45:20 GMT - Syria - Arab world - SN:8 - ID:7356668

    Hundreds of Syrian refugees in southeastern Lebanon are preparing to return home. The voluntary return was scheduled to start on Wednesday, with refugees boarding buses that would take them from Lebanon’s Shebaa and Hasbaya to the Syrian border ....

  • Cabinet discusses important economic, political files

    Cabinet discusses important economic, political files

    Date: 2018-04-18 09:42:10 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:7 - ID:7356659

    The Cabinet held its weekly session on Wednesday under Prime Minister Sherif Ismail. The meeting is set to discuss several important political, economic and social files including topics related to the quality of services extended to citizens and ....

  • Armed Forces: Emir of terrorist group killed in Central Sinai

    Armed Forces: Emir of terrorist group killed in Central Sinai

    Date: 2018-04-18 09:33:36 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:6 - ID:7356634

    The Armed Forces announced that Emir of the terrorist organization in Central Sinai Nasser Abo Zaqoul was killed. In a statement on Wednesday, the Armed Forces said that forces of the Third Field Army launched security crackdowns in several ....

  • Int'l film festival for documentaries and shorts  wraps up in Ismailia

    Int'l film festival for documentaries and shorts wraps up in Ismailia

    Date: 2018-04-18 09:28:52 GMT - Egypt - Culture - SN:5 - ID:7356627

    The 20th edition of Ismailia International Film Festival for Documentaries and Shorts wrapped up activities late Tuesday. Ismailia Governor Yassin Taher and Security Chief Mohamed Ali Hussein attended the ceremony. Kuwaiti, Spanish, Swiss, ....

  • Regime forces re-shell Daesh-controlled areas

    Regime forces re-shell Daesh-controlled areas

    Date: 2018-04-18 08:37:04 GMT - United Kingdom - Arab world - SN:4 - ID:7356535

    The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said regime forces renewed shelling of Daesh-controlled areas south of Damascus. The shelling coincided with regime forces preparations for launching an attack on these areas to flush out Daesh elements if ....

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