MENA, BTA sign cooperation agreement to exchange news
CAIRO, Nov 18 (MENA) - The Middle East News Agency (MENA) and the Bulgarian News Agency (BTA) on Monday signed a cooperation agreement to exchange news and share media experience.
The deal was inked by MENA Board Chairman and Editor-in-Chief Ahmed Kamal and BTA Director General Kiril Valchev, in the presence of Bulgarian Ambassador in Cairo Deyan Katratchev.
Kamal said the agreement affirms the two agencies' keenness to enhance cooperation in exchanging news, photos and videos and countering false news, particularly in light of the vital role of disseminating correct information and its impact on the stability of all societies.
The deal comes in light of distinguished relations between Egypt and Bulgaria in different fields, Kamal added.
He noted the agreement will allow MENA to have access to correct news on the political, economic and trade situation in Bulgaria and the Balkan region, while BTA will get access to accurate news about the situation in Egypt, the Middle East and Africa.
MENA Board Chairman pointed out that a number of European, Asian and African news agencies expressed willingness to sign similar cooperation agreements with MENA, which provides a broad news coverage in the region.
Kamal stressed MENA services will witness further development in the coming period in conjunction with the launch of its new news platform.
On his part, the Bulgarian ambassador said Bulgaria and Egypt enjoy strong friendship and excellent economic cooperation, adding such media partnerships will strengthen this dynamic relation.
For his part, the BTA director general said the deal, which is the first of its kind between the two news agencies, aims to offer more information about the developments in the two countries and to foster mutual understanding between Egyptian and Bulgarian citizens.
Valchev indicated the free exchange of news between BTA and MENA will be particularly beneficial in the fields of business, tourism and culture.
BTA director general said MENA has multiple news sources in the Middle East, while the Bulgarian News Agency (BTA) holds the position of Secretary General in the Association of the Balkan News Agencies-Southeast Europe (ABNA-SE) , which includes national news agencies from 12 Balkan countries.
Under the agreement, Bulgarian media outlets will be able to get more information aired by MENA about Egypt and the Middle East, while Egyptian media outlets will have access to more news about Bulgaria and the Balkan countries.
The agreement stipulates the two agencies will exchange a set of news in English for use in their news services.
Under the deal, MENA and BTA will share a significant English news story with photos about their countries, to be published for free to their website visitors, provided that the source is explicitly indicated.
Valchev said the BTA will provide the Bulgarian media with free of charge news from 49 national agencies from Europe, Asia, America and Africa, with which the Bulgarian News Agency had concluded similar cooperation agreements.
The agreement stipulates the possibility of exchanging media expertise and visits by journalists and other media professionals from both agencies. It will be effective from the date of its signature and will be renewed annually. (MENA)