CAIRO, March 23 (MENA) - Assistant Foreign Minister for Multilateral Affairs and International Security Amr Aljowaily held a series of consultations on multilateral issues and international security with British officials.

The consultations were organized by the Egyptian Embassy in London with directors of UN departments and international organizations interested in defense, national security issues and cyber security at the UK Foreign Ministry.

The diplomat asserted the importance of the consultations which coincide with the 80th anniversary of establishing the United Nations.

Aljowaily said the consultations came ahead of the Berlin meeting on developing peace-keeping operations, pointing out to Egypt's pioneering role in making peace especially in the Gaza Strip.

He added that Egypt will host the African Union center for reconstruction and development.

The Egyptian diplomat said the consultations tackled disarmament issues worldwide and nuclear weapons control ahead of the convocation of the third preparatory committee meeting in New York to review the nuclear-non proliferation treaty (MENA)