CAIRO, March 9 (MENA) - Minister of Environment Yasmine Fouad met Sunday representatives of UGOA Company to discuss joint cooperation in supporting implementation of an integrated system for waste management as well as a number of innovative and sustainable solutions to achieve environmental and economic development.
Chief Executive Officer of the Waste Management Regulatory Authority (WMRA) Wael Abdullah took part in the meeting.
The minister of environment was posted on the Company's executive plan to support the Ministry's efforts to advance the waste system across various Egyptian governorates, along with a prospected plan to support the State's efforts to develop infrastructure projects in the field of waste management, achieve sustainable management of environmental resources, enhance investment opportunities in this promising sector, together with supporting the implementation of the provisions of Waste Law 202 of 2020 and providing required technical support services in the field of waste recycling.
Supporting the Ministry’s procedures in integrating the informal sector into the waste management system figured high during the discussions.
The minister of environment appreciated the proposals submitted by the Company reviewing efforts made over the past years to develop the waste sector and the obstacles and challenges faced in this field, pointing to the remarkable development witnessed by the sector.
Fouad also referred to the procedures for integrating the private sector into the public work system, through a cooperation protocol between the ministries of environment, labor and social solidarity, with the aim of incorporating the private sector into being an integral part of the private system.
She also tackled the ministry’s efforts in the plastics file and reducing the use of single-use plastic bags.
For their part, UGOA representatives thanked the minister of environment for giving the Company the opportunity to present its proposals and efforts to enhance cooperation with the private sector, with a view to supporting national efforts in the field of environmental sustainability and achieving aspired developmental goals. (MENA)
Environment Min., UGOA Company officials discuss cooperation in implementing integrated system for waste management
مصر/Environment Minister/Economy
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