THE ADMINISTRATIVE CAPITAL, Oct 3 (MENA) - President Abdel Fattah El Sisi said Thursday that the historic turning point that our region is currently going through calls on us to stress that just peace is the only solution to ensure safe and sustainable coexistence among peoples of the region.

In a speech at the graduation ceremony of Military Academy on the occasion of the 51st anniversary of the glorious October victory at the headquarters of the Egyptian Military Academy in the Strategic Command in the Administrative Capital, the president said that escalation, violence and destruction lead to pushing the region towards the brink of the abyss, and increasing risks, regionally and internationally, in a way that does not achieve the interests of any people who desire security, peace and development.

Egypt affirms its firm position, supported by international consensus, on the need to establish an independent Palestinian state, as the only way to establish peace, security and stability for all.

October comes every year, carrying with it the breezes of victory and glory. These are the days in which we recall the lessons of victory, celebrate the heroes and martyrs, and commemorate the great October victories, which coincide with our celebration of the graduation of new batches of students from the Egyptian Military Academy, to join the fields of honor and heroism, defending Egypt’s security and the safety of its people, after they have been prepared according to the best and most advanced military and scientific levels, President Sisi said.

Like these days, fifty-one years ago, Egypt achieved a victory that will remain immortal in the memory of this nation and on the pages of its glorious history, a victory that always reminds everyone that this nation - with the cohesion of its people, leadership and army - is capable of doing the impossible no matter how great and that the spirit of October is not just slogans but is rather present in the hearts of this people.

Egypt is dear to its people, strong to its institutions, towering with its Armed Forces and proud of the sacrifices of its sons, he said.

He added that what Egypt achieved in the glorious October War will remain forever a witness to the strength of the will of the Egyptian people, the efficiency of its Armed Forces and the ability of the Egyptians to plan accurately and implement meticulously.

President Sisi pointed out that our celebration this year of the glorious October victory comes at a critical time in the history of the region, which is raging with escalating bloody incidents that are destroying the capabilities of its peoples and threatening the security and safety of its countries. This regional escalation comes amidst an atmosphere of anticipation at the international level, reminding us of what the Egyptians have achieved - through cohesion and enduring of hardships - in order to build our Armed Forces to preserve the safety of this dear homeland and dispel any illusions held by any party.

The President saluted the Egyptian Armed Forces, saying: "This venerable national institution, which has never and will never fail to shoulder the responsibility, no matter how heavy and to fulfill the trust, no matter how great. A salute to it from all its generations, from veterans to the rising generations." he said.

"Peace be upon the righteous martyrs of Egypt's Armed Forces who sacrificed their lives for its people and greetings to their families who endured the cruelty of separation and offered a dear price so that the homeland could live dignified and secure," he added.

"We also extend a renewed salute of respect and appreciation to the soul of the martyred hero president Mohamed Anwar El Sadat, the hero of reclaiming dignity and land through war and peace, through courage and strategic vision and we say to his soul today: What you gave your life for will not be wasted or go in vain, but rather laid the solid foundation that enables the homeland to remain lofty and the people safe, living with their heads held high without an inch of their land lost. It will not be lost, God willing, and this is our promise and covenant to our great people," he stressed.

"Let me emphasize at the end of my speech that the safety of this nation would not have been achieved in the face of the challenges we have faced over the past years without the steadfastness and unity of this loyal people. The sacrifices of the sons of this nation are a river of continuous giving throughout history, even if its forms differ. Egypt, with the unity of its people, will remain greater than all challenges and difficulties. Its progress will continue, preserved by God’s victory and care and the will and determination of the sons of this noble people."(MENA)