CAIRO/NEW YORK, Sept 26 (MENA) - Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit Thursday called for a stop to the unjust war on Gaza through a prisoner exchange deal, and a halt to the confrontations between Israel and Hezbollah to spare Lebanon the evils of an Israeli plot to turn it into a new Gaza.

This came during Abul Gheit's briefing at an informal interactive dialogue session of members of the UN Security Council and the Troika of the Arab Summit at the ministerial level titled: "Cooperation between the Security Council and the League of Arab States", held under the chairmanship of Tanja Fajon, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia.

Holding this important session comes at a time when the Arab region stands at the brink of a dangerous turning point, he said, noting that the fate of the region depends on whether the council would let it slide into a wider, insane and out-of-control catastrophe or listen to the voice of reason and conscience and bring the ferocious Israeli war machine to an immediate stop, he said.

“After a few days, a full year will have passed since the Gaza tragedy started, a year of killing, destruction, and displacement. A year of inability to act and contentment with silent watching and standing idly-by,” he added.

“Gaza, bleeding every day, is still waiting for a rescue that is not coming, but even more, it has become a model that the criminal occupation seeks to repeat in other parts of the Arab region,” he went on to say.

“The Israeli hand of death and destruction has moved from Gaza to the West Bank and to Lebanon,” he said, reminding everyone that Lebanon is a sovereign state and a member state of the United Nations. “The Lebanese people are now being subjected to random killing in a way that this country has not witnessed for more than fifteen to twenty years, despite all the tragedies it has suffered throughout its modern history.”

“The Palestinian and Israeli sides are not able to reach a solution or permanent settlement on their own. The occupation regime does not want to give up the land, all of the land. Its legislative authorities have already issued decisions rejecting the two-state solution and its leaders do not hide this, but rather boast about it,” he added.

It is time for taking a stand and for making a decisive intervention by the international community, represented by the Security Council, and for imposing a just solution based on the two-state vision in accordance with the known determinants that have been agreed upon for more than thirty years, he concluded.(MENA)