CAIRO, Sept 17 (MENA) - Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli attended Tuesday the official launch of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi's initiative “Bedaya – A New Beginning for Developing Citizens” in Al Shaab Square (People’s Square), in the New Administrative Capital (NAC).

According to the Egyptian government, Bedaya is an ambitious national human development project which aims to transform the nation by empowering its citizens and fostering sustainable development across various sectors. This comprehensive project underscores the state’s commitment to building a brighter future for all Egyptians.

Bedaya initiative targets all age groups and segments of society, with a particular focus on children, youth, and the elderly. The initiative aims to provide: Early Childhood Development: Support for infants and toddlers, including vaccinations, nutrition, and family guidance; Quality Education: Access to quality education for children and adolescents, including curricula, teacher training, and technology; Youth Empowerment: Skills development, job training, and opportunities for young people; and Elderly Care: Improved health and living conditions for the elderly.

Bedaya is a collaborative effort involving various government ministries, civil society organizations, and the private sector. Key strategies for implementation include: Centralized Monitoring: A centralized mechanism to track progress and ensure accountability; Decentralized Implementation: Implementation at the local level to cater to specific needs and ensure effective delivery of services; Resource Optimization: Maximizing the use of resources to ensure that benefits reach a wide range of citizens; and Partnership and Collaboration: Fostering partnerships between government agencies, NGOs, and the private sector.

Bedaya represents a significant step towards realizing Egypt’s vision of a prosperous, equitable, and just society. By investing in human development, economic growth, and social justice, the initiative aims to create a brighter future for generations to come.(MENA)