CAIRO, April 8 (MENA) - The Media Center of the Cabinet denied circulated news regarding the government's intention to raise prices of goods during the current month.

In a statement on Monday, the media center said that it communicated with the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade, which denied such rumors, affirming that there is no truth to raising the prices of goods during the current month, and no decisions have been issued in this regard.

The statement pointed out that the Ministry emphasized that prices of goods at all supply outlets, consumer complexes, and branches of "Gamety" or "My Association" project remain unchanged, with a strategic stock available sufficient for several upcoming months.

It also mentioned ongoing periodical inspection campaigns on all consumer complexes, supply outlets, and markets in various governorates to control violations and prevent any monopolistic practices or price manipulation.

The Media Center urged all media outlets and users of social media platforms to ensure accuracy and objectivity in disseminating news and to communicate with the relevant authorities to verify before spreading information not based on any facts, which may cause confusion among citizens. (MENA)