English webnews

  • Service : English
  • 18 people accused of organising Burundi failed coup

    18 people accused of organising Burundi failed coup

    Date: 2015-05-17 08:09:22 GMT - Burundi - International - SN:3 - ID:2603077

    Eighteen people have appeared in court in Burundi accused of helping to organize last week's failed coup against President Pierre Nkurunziza, the BBC reported on Sunday. It comes amid what appears to be a crackdown against those suspected of ....

  • Myanmar denies responsibility for migrant boat crisis

    Myanmar denies responsibility for migrant boat crisis

    Date: 2015-05-17 07:54:53 GMT - Myanmar (Burma) - International - SN:1 - ID:2602973

    Myanmar's government has said it is not responsible for the migrant boat crisis in south-east Asia, and may not attend an emergency summit on the issue, the BBC reported on Sunday. Thousands of migrants from Bangladesh and Myanmar are feared ....

  • Judges club chief condemns assassination of Sinai judges

    Judges club chief condemns assassination of Sinai judges

    Date: 2015-05-16 17:31:06 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:47 - ID:2601121

    Head of Egypt Judges Club Counselor Ahmad Zanad regretted the assassination of three Judges while they were on duty in Sinai. In a statement released on Saturday, Zanad said this coward attack would not intimidate the judges and they will ....

  • Palestinian nuns represent generation of great women - Abbas

    Palestinian nuns represent generation of great women - Abbas

    Date: 2015-05-16 17:30:21 GMT - palestine - Arab world - SN:46 - ID:2601117

    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas underlined the importance of the concurrence of sainthood of two Palestinian nuns by Pope Francis with the anniversary of the defeat of the Palestinian people in 1948. This matter enhances unity among the ....

  • Sisi chairs meeting on one-mln-feddan project

    Sisi chairs meeting on one-mln-feddan project

    Date: 2015-05-16 17:29:47 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:45 - ID:2601113

    President Abdel Fattah El Sisi held a meeting on a project to reclaim one million feddans. Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab and the ministers of housing, water resources, agriculture and investment were present. Members of two specialized ....

  • Presidency mourns judges killed in Sinai

    Presidency mourns judges killed in Sinai

    Date: 2015-05-16 17:29:14 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:44 - ID:2601109

    The presidency mourned on Saturday the killing of three judges who were shot dead by gunmen in Sinai. President Abdel Fattah El Sisi has given orders to provide protection for judges to fulfill their noble duties particularly those in ....

  • Retrial of 11 terrorists involved in killing policemen adjourned to Sept. 5

    Retrial of 11 terrorists involved in killing policemen adjourned to Sept. 5

    Date: 2015-05-16 17:27:21 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:43 - ID:2601097

    Giza Criminal Court on Saturday decided to adjourn to Sept 5 the trial of 11 terrorists involved in the killing of policemen, including Assistant Security Chief of Giza General Nabil Farag at Kerdasa police station. The trial was adjourned to ....

  • Int'l coalition jets launch 13 raids in Iraq, kill 68 Daesh members

    Int'l coalition jets launch 13 raids in Iraq, kill 68 Daesh members

    Date: 2015-05-16 17:26:21 GMT - Iraq - Arab world - SN:42 - ID:2601089

    The Iraqi aircraft launched 105 raids on sites of Daesh terrorist group in Anbar and targeted workshops used for preparing booby-trapped vehicles as well as hotbeds of the group leaving dozens of them dead. The jets of the International Coalition ....

  • Interior min. raises security alert: Security source

    Interior min. raises security alert: Security source

    Date: 2015-05-16 17:24:47 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:41 - ID:2601073

    Minister of Interior Magdi Abdel Ghaffar has raised security alert to (C) across the nations, a high level security source has said. In statements to MENA, the source added that Abdel Ghaffar raised security alert in all security directorates to ....

  • Education pivotal for empowering women -- forum

    Education pivotal for empowering women -- forum

    Date: 2015-05-16 14:06:09 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:40 - ID:2599665

    Participants at the form for national dialogue on women's empowerment in Alexandria described education as a key instrument for reform in Egypt. The forum was held under the title "Empowerment of Egyptian women: moving from recommendation to ....

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