English webnews

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  • Bashir pledges to restore security in all Sudanese states

    Bashir pledges to restore security in all Sudanese states

    Date: 2015-06-01 09:37:36 GMT - Sudan - Arab world - SN:15 - ID:2705901

    Re-elected Sudanese President Omar Bashir vowed to start his new office term, which officially starts Tuesday after his inauguration, to achieve security and stability and impose state order in all Sudanese cities. During a meeting with lawmakers ....

  • AL says FIFA committee to investigate Israeli grievances good step

    AL says FIFA committee to investigate Israeli grievances good step

    Date: 2015-06-01 09:35:13 GMT - Egypt - Arab world - SN:14 - ID:2705881

    Arab League (AL) Assistant Secretary General for Palestine Affairs Mohamed Sobaih said Monday that a FIFA fact-finding committee will be investigating Israeli grievances against Palestinians. Sobaih said the agreement to form a FIFA fact-finding ....

  • Israeli settlers storm Aqsa Mosque

    Israeli settlers storm Aqsa Mosque

    Date: 2015-06-01 08:45:33 GMT - palestine - Arab world - SN:13 - ID:2705421

    Groups of Israeli settlers stormed Al Aqsa Mosque through the Al Magarbah gate under the guard of the Israeli police, provoking Muslim worshipers inside the mosque. Meanwhile, Israeli forces arrested two young Palestinians in Selwan town in south ....

  • New fossil museum to open soon in Fayoum

    New fossil museum to open soon in Fayoum

    Date: 2015-06-01 08:44:14 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:12 - ID:2705413

    The new fossil museum of Wadi Al Hitan “Whale Valley” will open soon in Fayoum to display the valuable fossil remains of whales and sharks unearthed in the area bearing the same name, Environment Minister Khaled Fahmy said. Due to the importance ....

  • Social solidarity minister denies news about donation requests by foundation for handicapped

    Social solidarity minister denies news about donation requests by foundation for handicapped

    Date: 2015-06-01 08:43:13 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:11 - ID:2705397

    Minister of Social Solidarity Ghada Wali has denied news about donation requests by the Walaa wel Amal foundation for the handicapped. The story appeared on social networking websites and claimed that the foundation was not able to feed its ....

  • Mahlab inaugurates 3 new electricity units at Assiut power station

    Mahlab inaugurates 3 new electricity units at Assiut power station

    Date: 2015-06-01 08:28:05 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:10 - ID:2705313

    Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab is to inaugurate three new units of electricity production at Assiut power station on Monday. The capacity of each unit is 125 megawatt. Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy Mohamed Shaker will attend the ....

  • File on treatment of sulfur water referred to consultancy body

    File on treatment of sulfur water referred to consultancy body

    Date: 2015-06-01 08:27:08 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:9 - ID:2705309

    A file on the treatment of sulfur water in Helwan has been referred to a consultancy body for assessment, deputy Cairo governor el Sayyed Nasr has said. In a meeting with an official at the executive office of the sewage and drinking water ....

  • Somali president in Khartoum for Bashir's inauguration

    Somali president in Khartoum for Bashir's inauguration

    Date: 2015-06-01 08:07:37 GMT - Sudan - Arab world - SN:8 - ID:2705221

    Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud arrived here Monday to attend the inauguration of Sudanese President Omar Hassan el Bashir. In post-arrival statements, the Somali president said Sudan set a democratic example via the recent elections that ....

  • Employee arrested in Qena for manufacturing weapons

    Employee arrested in Qena for manufacturing weapons

    Date: 2015-06-01 07:57:06 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:2 - ID:2705021

    Qena police arrested an employee who runs his house as a workshop for manufacturing and selling weapons. Two pistols, 50 bullets and two cartouche bullets along with other weapons were found with the 46-year-old employee. Suez police arrested ....

  • Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej returns to hospital

    Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej returns to hospital

    Date: 2015-06-01 07:51:31 GMT - Thailand - International - SN:7 - ID:2705101

    Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej has gone back into hospital, only a few weeks after being discharged, the BBC reported. A statement from the palace on Sunday said he was undergoing tests at the Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok but did not say when ....

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