
  • Service : English
  • Category : International
  • CBS: Freeze of US aid boosts Sisi popularity 3 last Washington

    CBS: Freeze of US aid boosts Sisi popularity 3 last Washington

    Date: 2013-10-11 17:20:00 GMT - USA - International - SN:32 - ID:334359

    The 58-year-old el-Sisi stands to gain more popularity at home. In a country where anti-US sentiment runs high, mostly over Washington's perceived bias in support of Israel, anyone seen to be standing up to the United States gains in ....

  • Kerry in Afghanistan for urgent security talks

    Kerry in Afghanistan for urgent security talks

    Date: 2013-10-11 14:23:00 GMT - Afghanistan - International - SN:28 - ID:334088

    US Secretary of State John Kerry flew to Afghanistan Friday for urgent talks with Afghan President Hamid Karzai as an end of October deadline looms for completing a security deal that would allow American troops to remain in Afghanistan after the ....

  • No. 2 Pentagon official to step down

    No. 2 Pentagon official to step down

    Date: 2013-10-11 13:13:59 GMT - USA - International - SN:24 - ID:333949

    The Pentagon's No. 2 official announced that he will leave office on Dec. 4, capping a career with several top Defense Department posts except the top job. Ashton Carter, who spearheaded efforts in the height of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to ....

  • Israeli PM warns Europe of Iran nuclear program

    Israeli PM warns Europe of Iran nuclear program

    Date: 2013-10-11 07:28:59 GMT - Israel - International - SN:3 - ID:333330

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held interviews with European media outlets to warn against reducing sanctions to Islamic republic, urges world not to 'let a radical regime have awesome power,' Ynet reported Thursday. As Europeans ....

  • France must resist Iran, Netanyahu tells FRANCE 24

    France must resist Iran, Netanyahu tells FRANCE 24

    Date: 2013-10-11 07:26:23 GMT - France - International - SN:2 - ID:333326

    France must remain strong against Iran and its Prime Minister Hassan Rohani to prevent the country from reaching nuclear weapons capability, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told France 24 on Thursday. France "should be tough on Iran, ....

  • Hague welcomes Zeidan's release

    Hague welcomes Zeidan's release

    Date: 2013-10-10 19:05:29 GMT - United Kingdom - International - SN:21 - ID:332807

    British Foreign Secretary William Hague welcomed Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan's release, the CNN reported on Thursday. "We will work with the Libyan government on ensuring the transition remains on track and insecurity is addressed," Hague ....

  • Israeli finance minister calls for tougher int'l sanctions on Iran

    Israeli finance minister calls for tougher int'l sanctions on Iran

    Date: 2013-10-10 14:08:06 GMT - Israel - International - SN:17 - ID:332180

    Israel Finance Minister Yair Lapid called for tightening the international sanctions on Iran while making sure unequivocally that they don not possess any nuclear capabilities. During a meeting with a number of US Congress members in Washington, ....

  • Malala marches toward the Nobel Peace Prize

    Malala marches toward the Nobel Peace Prize

    Date: 2013-10-10 13:54:25 GMT - USA - International - SN:15 - ID:332150

    US/Pakistan Malala marches toward the Nobel Peace Prize WASHINGTON, Oct 10 (MENA) – This Friday, the Nobel committee announces the 2013 recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. As far as global opinion is concerned, the award is a 16-year-old ....

  • Kerry cancels stop in Philippines because of storm

    Kerry cancels stop in Philippines because of storm

    Date: 2013-10-10 12:59:37 GMT - Philippines - International - SN:10 - ID:332045

    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday that he has canceled a scheduled trip to the Philippines due to the threat posed by tropical storm Nari, abc reported . Forecasters say the storm could strike the northern Philippines as a ....

  • Putin discharges deputy foreign minister

    Putin discharges deputy foreign minister

    Date: 2013-10-10 12:31:51 GMT - Russia - International - SN:6 - ID:331965

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has relieved Col. Gen. Oleg Ostapenko of his duties as a deputy defense minister and discharged him from military service, Novosti reported quoting the Russian presidential press service on Thursday.. No reasons ....

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