Politics and Diplomacy

  • Service : English General
  • Category : Politics and Diplomacy
  • Spokesman: Ethiopia is defying international laws regarding Nile River

    Date: 2021-07-06 08:47:33 GMT - Egypt - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:24 - ID:9046304

    CAIRO, July 6 (MENA) - Spokesman for the Water Resources and Irrigation Ministry Mohamed Ghanem said on Tuesday that Ethiopia is still defying all international laws and norms regarding the Nile River and considers the river its own. In ....

  • FM holds meetings in New York on Egypt's stand toward GERD issue

    Date: 2021-07-06 06:03:33 GMT - Egypt - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:2 - ID:9046058

    NEW YORK, July 6 (MENA) - Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, during his current visit to New York, held a series of meetings with ambassadors of the Arab committee concerned with coordinating on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) with ....

  • FMs of Egypt, Sudan say Ethiopia's 2nd filling of dam violates declaration of principles

    Date: 2021-07-06 05:32:52 GMT - United Nations - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:1 - ID:9046052

    NEW YORK, July 6 (MENA) – Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and Sudan’s Mariam Sadeq al Mahdi have categorically rejected Ethiopia’s announcement that it already started the second filling of the Renaissance Dam. This is a blatant violation ....

  • Irrigation minister receives official letter from Ethiopian counterpart on GERD's second filling

    Date: 2021-07-05 21:14:36 GMT - Egypt - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:97 - ID:9045924

    CAIRO, July 5 (MENA) – Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Mohamed Abdel Aati has received an official letter from his Ethiopian counterpart that Ethiopia has begun filling the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)’s reservoir for the second ....

  • FM meets with Sudanese counterpart on GERD

    Date: 2021-07-05 20:58:00 GMT - Egypt - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:96 - ID:9045925

    CAIRO, July 5 (MENA) – Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry had a meeting with his Sudanese counterpart Mariam al-Sadiq al-Mahdi in New York. The meeting was held on Monday within the framework of coordination between both sides for a session of the ....

  • FM holds talks with Tunisia's rep. to UN on GERD

    Date: 2021-07-05 18:37:24 GMT - Egypt - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:93 - ID:9045776

    CAIRO, July 5 (MENA) – Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry had a meeting with the Permanent Representative of Tunisia to the United Nations, Tarek Ladeb in New York. The meeting was held on Monday on the sidelines of Shoukry's visit to New York to ....

  • FM meets African group at UNSC on Egypt's stance towards GERD

    Date: 2021-07-05 18:19:44 GMT - Egypt - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:90 - ID:9045774

    CAIRO, July 5 (MENA) - Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry met on Monday with the African group at the UN Security Council, including Niger, Kenya and Tunisia, to brief them on Egypt's stance towards the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, Spokesman for the ....

  • OIC's Women Development Organization meeting kicks off

    Date: 2021-07-05 17:13:08 GMT - Egypt - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:83 - ID:9045521

    CAIRO, July 5 (MENA) - The second extraordinary session of the ministerial council of the Organization for the Development of Women, affiliated to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), was launched in Cairo on Monday. A galaxy of ....

  • Shoukry meets members of Arab committee on GERD

    Date: 2021-07-05 16:50:21 GMT - Egypt - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:77 - ID:9045656

    CAIRO, July 5 (MENA) - Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry met on Monday in New York with members of the Arab committee on following up developments in the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). The committee members are Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, ....

  • Emigration Ministry coordinates with all parties to return bodies of 4 Egyptians killed in Cyprus forest fire

    Date: 2021-07-05 14:55:48 GMT - Egypt - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:52 - ID:9044922

    CAIRO, July 5 (MENA) - Emigration Minister Nabila Makram said on Monday that her ministry is coordinating with all parties concerned to expedite the return home of the bodies of four Egyptians who died in Cyprus worst forest fire in decades. ....

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