Politics and Diplomacy

  • Service : English General
  • Category : Politics and Diplomacy
  • Sisi congratulates Hungarian PM over winning legislative election

    Date: 2022-04-05 13:10:54 GMT - Egypt - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:63 - ID:9507276

    CAIRO, April 5 (MENA) - President Abdel Fattah El Sisi had a telephone call Tuesday with Hungarian Prime minister Viktor Orbán to congratulate him on the ruling party's win of legislative election. Presidential spokesman Bassam Rady said ....

  • EU envoy: Belgian company mulls establishment of center for refueling ships

    Date: 2022-04-05 11:53:11 GMT - Egypt - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:53 - ID:9507040

    CAIRO, April 5 (MENA) - Head of the European Union delegation to Egypt Ambassador Christian Berger said Tuesday a Belgian shipping company intends to send a delegation to Egypt to consider the possibility of establishing an international center of ....

  • Shoukry, FMs of Arab contact group on Ukraine, Abul Gheit arrive in Warsaw

    Date: 2022-04-05 11:37:01 GMT - Egypt - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:51 - ID:9507057

    CAIRO, April 5 (MENA) - Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, foreign ministers of the Arab Contact Group on the Ukrainian Crisis and Secretary General of the Arab League Ahmed Abul Gheit arrived on Tuesday in Warsaw. The Arab envoys arrived in the ....

  • Egypt's ambassador confers with Danish climate minister on cooperation in clean energy

    Date: 2022-04-05 11:25:34 GMT - Egypt - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:50 - ID:9507037

    CAIRO, April 5 (MENA) - Egyptian Ambassador in Copenhagen Karim Sherif conferred on Tuesday with Danish Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities Dan Jørgensen on means of enhancing energy cooperation between the two countries, specially in the ....

  • Shoukry: Arab states realize repercussions of Russia-Ukraine crisis for int'l peace, security

    Date: 2022-04-04 20:11:49 GMT - Russia - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:86 - ID:9506260

    MOSCOW, April 4 (MENA) – Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said the inter-ministerial Arab contact group on the Russia-Ukraine crisis convened on Monday in Russia to discuss serious repercussions of the crisis for both international peace and ....

  • Abul Gheit: Arab stance on Ukrainian crisis is to resolve it diplomatically

    Date: 2022-04-04 19:29:00 GMT - Russia - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:83 - ID:9506257

    MOSCOW, April 4 (MENA) – Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit said the Arab stance on Ukrainian crisis is to support all efforts aimed at resolving the crisis through dialogue and diplomacy; in a way that preserves the security and safety ....

  • Egypt, Belgium discuss ways to boost tourist cooperation

    Date: 2022-04-04 15:56:53 GMT - Egypt - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:73 - ID:9505948

    CAIRO, April 4 (MENA) – Egypt’s Ambassador to Belgium Badr Abdel Ati discussed with heads of travel agencies in Wallonia and Flanders regions means to revive and enhance tourist cooperation between Cairo and Brussels. The Foreign Ministry said in ....

  • Shoukry, FMs of Arab Contact Group, AL chief arrive in Moscow

    Date: 2022-04-04 15:27:17 GMT - Egypt - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:71 - ID:9506039

    CAIRO, April 4 (MENA) - Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, foreign ministers of the Arab Contact Group and Secretary General of the Arab League (AL) Ahmed Abul Gheit arrived in the Russian capital Moscow as part of efforts to find a diplomatic solution ....

  • Electricity minister probes with Kazakh envoy chances of investment in Egypt's electricity sector

    Date: 2022-04-04 13:09:58 GMT - Egypt - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:61 - ID:9505719

    CAIRO, April 4 (MENA) - Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy Mohamed Shaker discussed on Monday with Kazakh Ambassador in Cairo Khairat Lama Sharif means to boost cooperation and increase investment chances in Egypt's electricity and ....

  • Shoukry flies to Moscow under AL's Ukrainian crisis liaison group tour

    Date: 2022-04-04 07:49:18 GMT - Egypt - Politics and Diplomacy - SN:21 - ID:9504972

    CAIRO, April 4 (MENA) - Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry headed for Moscow on Monday and then will fly to Warsaw within the framework of a tour of the Arab League's Ukrainian crisis liaison group at the ministerial level. The tour comes in ....

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