Egypt - Meeting - 1
Egyptian Premier Sherif Ismail receives on Tuesday Egyptian business man Mohammed Halawa who ....
Egypt - Cabinet - 8
Egyptian Premier Sherif Ismail receives on Tuesday a delegation of Public Coptic Episcopal youths ....
Egypt - Cabinet - 9
Egyptian Premier Sherif Ismail receives on Tuesday a delegation of Public Coptic Episcopal youths ....
Egypt - Cabinet - 7
Egyptian Premier Sherif Ismail receives on Tuesday a delegation of Public Coptic Episcopal youths ....
Egypt - Cabinet - 6
Egyptian Premier Sherif Ismail receives on Tuesday a delegation of Public Coptic Episcopal youths ....
Egypt - Cabinet - 5
Egyptian Premier Sherif Ismail receives on Tuesday a delegation of Public Coptic Episcopal youths ....
Egypt - Cabinet - 4
Egyptian Premier Sherif Ismail receives on Tuesday a delegation of Public Coptic Episcopal youths ....
Egypt - Cabinet - 3
Egyptian Premier Sherif Ismail receives on Tuesday a delegation of Public Coptic Episcopal youths ....
Egypt - Cabinet - 2
Egyptian Premier Sherif Ismail receives on Tuesday a delegation of Public Coptic Episcopal youths ....
Egypt - Cabinet - 1
Egyptian Premier Sherif Ismail receives on Tuesday a delegation of Public Coptic Episcopal youths ....
Egypt - Meeting - 2
Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi meets on Monday Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces ....
Egypt - Meeting - 1
Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi meets on Monday Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces ....
Egypt - Presidency - 3
Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi meets on Monday Egyptian Premier Sherif Ismail, Minister of ....
Egypt - Presidency - 2
Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi meets on Monday Egyptian Premier Sherif Ismail, Minister of ....
Egypt - Presidency - 1
Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi meets on Monday Egyptian Premier Sherif Ismail, Minister of ....
ٍSwaziland - ILC - 3
The 105th session of the International Labor Conference (ILC) held on Monday at Geneva's ....
ٍSwaziland - ILC - 2
The 105th session of the International Labor Conference (ILC) held on Monday at Geneva's ....
ٍSwaziland - ILC - 1
The 105th session of the International Labor Conference (ILC) held on Monday at Geneva's ....
Egypt - NUOHR - 1
The National United Organization for Human Rights (NUOHR) granted head of the Armed forces ....
Egypt / Defense Council - 3
President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi headed, today “Sunday”, a meeting of the National Defense Council, ....