
  • Egypt / Prime Minister - 2

    Egypt / Prime Minister - 2

    Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli hled a meeting, Sunday with Minster of Communications and ....

  • Egypt / Prime Minister - 1

    Egypt / Prime Minister - 1

    Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli hled a meeting, Sunday with Minster of Communications and ....

  • Egypt / Prime Minister - 4

    Egypt / Prime Minister - 4

    Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli holds a meeting, Sunday, concerning developing railways, with the ....

  • Egypt / Prime Minister - 3

    Egypt / Prime Minister - 3

    Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli holds a meeting, Sunday, concerning developing railways, with the ....

  • Egypt / Prime Minister - 2

    Egypt / Prime Minister - 2

    Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli holds a meeting, Sunday, concerning developing railways, with the ....

  • Egypt / Prime Minister - 1

    Egypt / Prime Minister - 1

    Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli holds a meeting, Sunday, concerning developing railways, with the ....

  • Egypt / Health / Italy - 4

    Egypt / Health / Italy - 4

    Health Minister Hala Zayed along with Italian Foreign Minister inaugurated the developmental ....

  • Egypt / Health / Italy - 3

    Egypt / Health / Italy - 3

    Health Minister Hala Zayed along with Italian Foreign Minister inaugurated the developmental ....

  • Egypt / Health / Italy - 2

    Egypt / Health / Italy - 2

    Health Minister Hala Zayed along with Italian Foreign Minister inaugurated the developmental ....

  • Egypt / Health / Italy - 1

    Egypt / Health / Italy - 1

    Health Minister Hala Zayed along with Italian Foreign Minister inaugurated the developmental ....

  • Egypt / Prime Minister - 3

    Egypt / Prime Minister - 3

    Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli held a meeting with a Chinese delegation to follow up the ....

  • Egypt / Prime Minister - 2

    Egypt / Prime Minister - 2

    Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli held a meeting with a Chinese delegation to follow up the ....

  • Egypt / Prime Minister - 1

    Egypt / Prime Minister - 1

    Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli held a meeting with a Chinese delegation to follow up the ....

  • Egypt / Prime Minister - 2

    Egypt / Prime Minister - 2

    Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli held a meeting on Thursday on the development of Magra El Oyen ....

  • Egypt / Prime Minister - 1

    Egypt / Prime Minister - 1

    Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli held a meeting on Thursday on the development of Magra El Oyen ....

  • Egypt / Cabinet - 5

    Egypt / Cabinet - 5

    Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli heads the meeting of the economic group, on Monday, to follow up ....

  • Egypt / Cabinet - 4

    Egypt / Cabinet - 4

    Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli heads the meeting of the economic group, on Monday, to follow up ....

  • Egypt / Cabinet - 3

    Egypt / Cabinet - 3

    Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli heads the meeting of the economic group, on Monday, to follow up ....

  • Egypt / Cabinet - 2

    Egypt / Cabinet - 2

    Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli heads the meeting of the economic group, on Monday, to follow up ....

  • Egypt / Cabinet - 1

    Egypt / Cabinet - 1

    Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli heads the meeting of the economic group, on Monday, to follow up ....

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