Photo Encyclopedia

  • Egypt / Senate

    Egypt / Senate

    Counselor Abdel-Wahab Abdel-Razek, President of the Senate, received, today, Wednesday, Stephane ....

  • Egypt / Senate

    Egypt / Senate

    Counselor Abdel-Wahab Abdel-Razek, President of the Senate, received, today, Wednesday, Stephane ....

  • Egypt / League of Arab States

    Egypt / League of Arab States

    Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, received, today, Wednesday, ....

  • Egypt / Health

    Egypt / Health

    Al-Nuzha Health Center receives, today, Wednesday, the elderly and people with chronic diseases to ....

  • Egypt / Health

    Egypt / Health

    Al-Nuzha Health Center receives, today, Wednesday, the elderly and people with chronic diseases to ....

  • Egypt / Health

    Egypt / Health

    Al-Nuzha Health Center receives, today, Wednesday, the elderly and people with chronic diseases to ....

  • Egypt / Health

    Egypt / Health

    Al-Nuzha Health Center receives, today, Wednesday, the elderly and people with chronic diseases to ....

  • Egypt / Health

    Egypt / Health

    Al-Nuzha Health Center receives, today, Wednesday, the elderly and people with chronic diseases to ....

  • Egypt / Health

    Egypt / Health

    Al-Nuzha Health Center receives, today, Wednesday, the elderly and people with chronic diseases to ....

  • Egypt / Health

    Egypt / Health

    Al-Nuzha Health Center receives, today, Wednesday, the elderly and people with chronic diseases to ....

  • Egypt / Health

    Egypt / Health

    Al-Nuzha Health Center receives, today, Wednesday, the elderly and people with chronic diseases to ....

  • Egypt / Health

    Egypt / Health

    Al-Nuzha Health Center receives, today, Wednesday, the elderly and people with chronic diseases to ....

  • Egypt / Health

    Egypt / Health

    Al-Nuzha Health Center receives, today, Wednesday, the elderly and people with chronic diseases to ....

  • Egypt / Exhibition

    Egypt / Exhibition

    In the halls of Lamasat Gallery in central Cairo, an exhibition entitled "The Faces Festival" was ....

  • Egypt / Exhibition

    Egypt / Exhibition

    In the halls of Lamasat Gallery in central Cairo, an exhibition entitled "The Faces Festival" was ....

  • Egypt / Exhibition

    Egypt / Exhibition

    In the halls of Lamasat Gallery in central Cairo, an exhibition entitled "The Faces Festival" was ....

  • Egypt / Exhibition

    Egypt / Exhibition

    In the halls of Lamasat Gallery in central Cairo, an exhibition entitled "The Faces Festival" was ....

  • Egypt / Exhibition

    Egypt / Exhibition

    In the halls of Lamasat Gallery in central Cairo, an exhibition entitled "The Faces Festival" was ....

  • ......


    ..... ....

  • Egypt / Senate

    Egypt / Senate

    Counselor Abdel Wahab Abdel Razek, President of the Senate, opened the plenary session, where the ....

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