Photo Encyclopedia

  • Egypt / Health

    Egypt / Health

    Dr. Hala Zayed, Minister of Health and Population, launches the activities of the National Polio ....

  • Egypt / Health

    Egypt / Health

    Dr. Hala Zayed, Minister of Health and Population, launches the activities of the National Polio ....

  • ..


    .. ....

  • Egypt / accidents

    Egypt / accidents

    The Civil Protection Forces, ambulance and security leaders continue to follow up the rescue ....

  • Egypt / accidents

    Egypt / accidents

    The Civil Protection Forces, ambulance and security leaders continue to follow up the rescue ....

  • Egypt / accidents

    Egypt / accidents

    The Civil Protection Forces, ambulance and security leaders continue to follow up the rescue ....

  • Egypt / accidents

    Egypt / accidents

    The Civil Protection Forces, ambulance and security leaders continue to follow up the rescue ....

  • Egypt / accidents

    Egypt / accidents

    The Civil Protection Forces, ambulance and security leaders continue to follow up the rescue ....

  • Egypt / accidents

    Egypt / accidents

    The Civil Protection Forces, ambulance and security leaders continue to follow up the rescue ....

  • Egypt / accidents

    Egypt / accidents

    The Civil Protection Forces, ambulance and security leaders continue to follow up the rescue ....

  • Egypt / accidents

    Egypt / accidents

    The Civil Protection Forces, ambulance and security leaders continue to follow up the rescue ....

  • Egypt / accidents

    Egypt / accidents

    The Civil Protection Forces, ambulance and security leaders continue to follow up the rescue ....

  • Egypt / Presidency

    Egypt / Presidency

    President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi directs the implementation of measures that would achieve a balance ....

  • Egypt / Prime Minister

    Egypt / Prime Minister

    Dr. Mustafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, holds a joint press conference in the presence of the ....

  • Egypt / Prime Minister

    Egypt / Prime Minister

    Dr. Mustafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, holds a joint press conference in the presence of the ....

  • Egypt / Prime Minister

    Egypt / Prime Minister

    Dr. Mustafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, holds a joint press conference in the presence of the ....

  • Egypt / Prime Minister

    Egypt / Prime Minister

    Dr. Mustafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, holds a joint press conference in the presence of the ....

  • Egypt / Prime Minister

    Egypt / Prime Minister

    Dr. Mustafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, holds a joint press conference in the presence of the ....

  • Egypt / Suez Canal

    Egypt / Suez Canal

    Continue efforts to float the giant Panamanian container ship EVER GIVEN with a strand of 151 km, ....

  • Egypt / Suez Canal

    Egypt / Suez Canal

    Continue efforts to float the giant Panamanian container ship EVER GIVEN with a strand of 151 km, ....

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