Photo Encyclopedia

  • Egypt - MENA - 5

    Egypt - MENA - 5

    Middle East News Agency (MENA) holds a symposium under the theme of Path to Confront Qatar's ....

  • Egypt - MENA - 6

    Egypt - MENA - 6

    Middle East News Agency (MENA) holds a symposium under the theme of Path to Confront Qatar's ....

  • Egypt - MENA - 7

    Egypt - MENA - 7

    Middle East News Agency (MENA) holds a symposium under the theme of Path to Confront Qatar's ....

  • Egypt - MENA - 8

    Egypt - MENA - 8

    Middle East News Agency (MENA) holds a symposium under the theme of Path to Confront Qatar's ....

  • Egypt - MENA - 9

    Egypt - MENA - 9

    Middle East News Agency (MENA) holds a symposium under the theme of Path to Confront Qatar's ....

  • Egypt - Army

    Egypt - Army

    The Armed Forces' National Services Projects Organization (NSPO) provides daily more than 250 tons ....

  • Egypt - council of governors - 11

    Egypt - council of governors - 11

    Prime Minister Sherif Ismail presides over a meeting of Council of Governors to review preparations ....

  • Egypt - council of governors - 10

    Egypt - council of governors - 10

    Prime Minister Sherif Ismail presides over a meeting of Council of Governors to review preparations ....

  • Egypt - council of governors - 7

    Egypt - council of governors - 7

    Prime Minister Sherif Ismail presides over a meeting of Council of Governors to review preparations ....

  • Egypt - council of governors - 6

    Egypt - council of governors - 6

    Prime Minister Sherif Ismail presides over a meeting of Council of Governors to review preparations ....

  • Egypt - council of governors - 5

    Egypt - council of governors - 5

    Prime Minister Sherif Ismail presides over a meeting of Council of Governors to review preparations ....

  • Egypt - council of governors - 4

    Egypt - council of governors - 4

    Prime Minister Sherif Ismail presides over a meeting of Council of Governors to review preparations ....

  • Egypt / Armed Forces

    Egypt / Armed Forces

    Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and Defense Minister Sedky Sobhy ordered, Tuesday, to pump ....

  • Egypt / Prime Minister - 3

    Egypt / Prime Minister - 3

    Prime Minister Sherif Ismail chaired a meeting of the board of the education development fund to ....

  • Egypt / Prime Minister - 2

    Egypt / Prime Minister - 2

    Prime Minister Sherif Ismail chaired a meeting of the board of the education development fund to ....

  • Egypt / Prime Minister - 1

    Egypt / Prime Minister - 1

    Prime Minister Sherif Ismail chaired a meeting of the board of the education development fund to ....

  • Egypt / Governorates / Small Industries - 2

    Egypt / Governorates / Small Industries - 2

    Minya Governor Essam El-Badeoui attends the celebration of launching the National Project for Small ....

  • Egypt / Governorates / Small Industries - 1

    Egypt / Governorates / Small Industries - 1

    Minya Governor Essam El-Badeoui attends the celebration of launching the National Project for Small ....

  • Egypt - Army

    Egypt - Army

    The Armed Forces orchestrates its annual celebration to honor students who got the highest grads in ....

  • Egypt - Presidency - 2

    Egypt - Presidency - 2

    President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi meets with Prime Minister Sherif Ismail and a raft of ministers ....

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