Photo Encyclopedia

  • Egypt / Referendum - 5

    Egypt / Referendum - 5

    The referendum on the constitutional amendments went into effect. The voting for the next day ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 4

    Egypt / Referendum - 4

    The referendum on the constitutional amendments went into effect. The voting for the next day ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 3

    Egypt / Referendum - 3

    The referendum on the constitutional amendments went into effect. The voting for the next day ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 2

    Egypt / Referendum - 2

    The referendum on the constitutional amendments went into effect. The voting for the next day ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 6

    Egypt / Referendum - 6

    The vote on the constitutional amendments went into effect. The voting started on Saturday (April ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 5

    Egypt / Referendum - 5

    The vote on the constitutional amendments went into effect. The voting started on Saturday (April ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 4

    Egypt / Referendum - 4

    The vote on the constitutional amendments went into effect. The voting started on Saturday (April ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 3

    Egypt / Referendum - 3

    The vote on the constitutional amendments went into effect. The voting started on Saturday (April ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 2

    Egypt / Referendum - 2

    The vote on the constitutional amendments went into effect. The voting started on Saturday (April ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 1

    Egypt / Referendum - 1

    The vote on the constitutional amendments went into effect. The voting started on Saturday (April ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 12

    Egypt / Referendum - 12

    The voting on the constitutional amendments took effect on Saturday (April 20th) at the Abdeen ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 11

    Egypt / Referendum - 11

    Egyptian women were keen on participating in the voting on voting on the constitutional amendments ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 10

    Egypt / Referendum - 10

    Egyptian women were keen on participating in the voting on voting on the constitutional amendments ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 9

    Egypt / Referendum - 9

    The voting on the constitutional amendments took effect on Saturday (April 20th) at the Abdeen ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 8

    Egypt / Referendum - 8

    Oldest citizens needs were keen to participate in the voting on voting on the constitutional ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 7

    Egypt / Referendum - 7

    Egyptian women were keen on participating in the voting on voting on the constitutional amendments ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 6

    Egypt / Referendum - 6

    Despite the fact that their age is keen to participate in shaping a better future for Egypt was the ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 5

    Egypt / Referendum - 5

    Despite the fact that their age is keen to participate in shaping a better future for Egypt was the ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 4

    Egypt / Referendum - 4

    The voting on the constitutional amendments took effect on Saturday (April 20th) at the Abdeen ....

  • Egypt / Referendum - 3

    Egypt / Referendum - 3

    The voting on the constitutional amendments took effect on Saturday (April 20th) at the Abdeen ....

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