
  • Service : English General
  • Category : Miscellaneous
  • Delegation of Kenyan tourist companies visits Egypt

    Date: 2013-11-21 12:12:24 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:69 - ID:399275

    CAIRO, Nov 21 (MENA) - A delegation representing Kenyan tourist companies arrived at Cairo International Airport on board of a plane coming from Nairobi. The twenty-four-person delegation will visit tourist areas in Egypt, especially its Red ....

  • New pre-mature babies unit at Banha hospital almost finished

    Date: 2013-11-21 12:05:49 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:67 - ID:399103

    BANHA, Nov 21 (MENA) - A new state-of-the-art premature babies unit at Banha Children's Hospital is almost finished and will be inaugurated soon, manager Dr. Nasseif el-Hefnawy said Thursday. The two-million-pound unit has 37 incubators, 20 ....

  • Asfour Crystal sit-in enters its 11th day

    Date: 2013-11-21 11:36:07 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:58 - ID:399112

    SHOUBRA EL-KHEIMA, Nov 21 (MENA) - A sit-in by Asfour Crystal Company's workers entered its 11th day running on Thursday. The workers are protesting against layoffs and demanding better pay, a share in profits, improved medical care, a risk ....

  • Suez port receives 9,500 tons of liquefied butane gas

    Date: 2013-11-21 10:22:05 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:43 - ID:398869

    SUEZ, Egypt, Nov 21 (MENA) - A vessel carrying 9,500 tons of liquefied butane gas arrived at Suez's Zayteyat harbor on Thursday coming from the Saudi port of Yenbu, said Head of the Red Sea Harbor Authority General Hassan Falah. Suez's Adabiya ....

  • Two Egyptians, one Saudi receive award of Union of Arab Archaeologists

    Date: 2013-11-20 19:22:22 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:171 - ID:398221

    CAIRO, Nov 20 (MENA) – Two Egyptians and one Saudi professors have been awarded the Union of Arab Archaeologists' Award for young archaeologists for 2013. Islamic Archaeology and History Professor Yasser Ismail and rock-art researcher and ....

  • Antiquities minister heads for Japan

    Date: 2013-11-20 15:35:23 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:137 - ID:397574

    CAIRO, Nov 20 (MENA) - Antiquities Minister Mohamed Ibrahim will head for Japan on Saturday on a 3-day visit to Kansai university. Ibrahim is going to lecture on " crisis and future challenges", in attendance of senior Japanese officials ....

  • EGP 100mn to upgrade Suez water plant

    Date: 2013-11-20 15:28:43 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:134 - ID:397926

    SUEZ CITY, Egypt, Nov 20 (MENA) - Suez governor Arabi el-Serwi has stressed the importance of establishing a new water plant. He made it clear that the operating water plant is being rehabilitated at 100 million pounds, expecting it to be ready ....

  • Prominent MENA journalist laid to rest

    Date: 2013-11-20 14:50:25 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:111 - ID:397805

    CAIRO, Nov 20 (MENA) - The funeral of one of the most prominent journalists and a managing editor at the Middle East News Agency was held on Wednesday in the presence of a host of MENA employees, leaderships and journalists. Ibrahim Saad died at ....

  • New chairman appointed at New Valley irrigation department

    Date: 2013-11-20 14:48:10 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:107 - ID:397877

    KHARGA, Egypt, Nov 20 (MENA) - Irrigation Minister Mohamed Abdel-Moteleb Wednesday decided to appoint Mahmoud Abdel-Sattar as chairman of the central irrigation department in the New Valley. Abdel-Sattar will succeed Mohamed Gamal who was moved ....

  • 48 ships transit Suez Canal

    Date: 2013-11-20 13:43:15 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:89 - ID:397506

    ISMAILIA, Nov 20 (MENA) - Forty-eight ships transited the Suez Canal on Wednesday, carrying a total cargo of 2.935 million tons. The south-bound convoy included 27 ships, carrying 1.468 million tons, while the north-bound convoy included 21 ships, ....

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