
  • Service : English General
  • Category : Miscellaneous
  • 30,000 tons of diesel oil arrive at Alex port

    Date: 2014-01-03 13:56:41 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:55 - ID:477149

    ALEXANDRIA, Jan 3 (MENA) - A ship carrying 30,000 tons of diesel oil arrived at Alexandria Port on Friday. In statements, chairman of Alexandria Port Authority Adel Yassin Hammad said the shipment came from Italy, adding all procedures were taken ....

  • Huge subsidized bread bakeries to be created across Egypt

    Date: 2014-01-02 16:05:17 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:110 - ID:475339

    CAIRO, Jan. 2 (MENA) – Supply and Internal Trade Minister Mohamed Abu Shady said a development process for the bread production had been underway. Three huge subsidized bread bakeries are being established in Cairo, Behira and Menia using an ....

  • Health minister inaugurates al-Alamin hospital in Matrouh

    Date: 2014-01-02 15:49:41 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:108 - ID:475338

    CAIRO, Jan. 2 (MENA) – Health Minister Maha al-Rebat and the governor of Matrouh Badr Tantawi inaugurated the final developmental phase of the Al-Alamin Hospital northwest of Cairo. The minister said the development of the hospital would add to ....

  • Environment Ministry working on integrated program to eliminate harmful phenomena

    Date: 2014-01-01 15:42:10 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:117 - ID:473927

    BANHA, Egypt, Jan 1 (MENA) - Environment Minister Laila Eskandar said Wednesday that an integrated program has been outlined to eliminate harmful environmental phenomena. The plan has to do with reducing pollution resulting from certain ....

  • Umrah season starts at Red Sea harbours

    Date: 2014-01-01 12:17:17 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:71 - ID:473120

    SUEZ, Jan 1 (MENA) - A ferryboat carrying 85 pilgrims set sail on Wednesday from Nuweiba harbor en route to Saudi Arabia with the onset of the Umrah season there. Chief of the Red Sea Harbors Authority General Hassan Falah said all ferryboats of ....

  • Egyptian-Japanese Univ. president resigns

    Date: 2013-12-31 19:06:35 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:149 - ID:472381

    CAIRO, Dec. 31 (MENA) - Head of the Egyptian-Japanese University for Science and Technology professor Ahmed Bahaaeddin resigned Tuesday. He said his decision was meant to give the opportunity to a new leadership. (MENA) KG/AI ....

  • Polio vaccination campaign starts in Alexandria

    Date: 2013-12-29 10:28:32 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:38 - ID:467316

    ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, Dec 29 (MENA) – A polio vaccination campaign started Sunday across Alexandria, targeting children aging between one day and five years. The Health Ministry undersecretary in the coastal city said the campaign will continue for ....

  • Bust of Pharaonic New Kingdom's statue uncovered in Luxor

    Date: 2013-12-26 16:28:33 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:109 - ID:462943

    CAIRO, Dec 26 (MENA) – A black granite bust of the statue of a king from the Ancient Egypt’s New Kingdom era was discovered in the Mortuary Temple of Thutmosis III, known to Ancient Egyptians as the Temple of Millions of Years, in Luxor. The ....

  • Vaccination campaign against polio starts Sunday in Minya

    Date: 2013-12-26 15:17:06 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:104 - ID:462951

    MINYA, Egypt, Dec 26 (MENA) – Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and Population in Minya Governorate Dr. Amina Ragab said that the ministry will start on Sunday a second national campaign of vaccination against polio which will run for four ....

  • Nile water level unchnaged

    Date: 2013-12-26 13:35:22 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:77 - ID:462673

    CAIRO, Dec 26 (MENA) - The Nile River water level recorded 175.96 meters on Thursday, the same as the reading of Wednesday. According to a report presented to the Irrigation and Water Resources Ministry, water coming freshly to Lake Nasser today ....

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