
  • Service : English General
  • Category : Miscellaneous
  • Egyptian young woman fighting bone cancer

    Date: 2014-02-23 10:00:50 GMT - Austria - Miscellaneous - SN:38 - ID:571322

    VIENNA, Feb 23 (MENA) - The story of a 19-year-old Egyptian young woman drew headlines in Austrian newspapers with her battle against her cancerous leg tumor. Dubbed by the papers as "Queen Nefertiti", the young woman told MENA correspondent here ....

  • 3 ferryboats sail into Alex harbor

    Date: 2014-02-23 09:50:56 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:36 - ID:571323

    ALEXANDRIA, Feb 23 (MENA) - Three ferryboats sailed into Alexandria Harbor on Sunday carrying 980 vehicles of various models coming from Turkey, India and Singapore. Head of Alexandria Harbor Authority Major General Adel Yassein said the ....

  • 8500 tons of butane gas, 52 tons of steel arrive at Suez harbors

    Date: 2014-02-23 08:47:37 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:23 - ID:571247

    SUEZ, Feb 23 (MENA) - Red Sea Harbor Authority Chief Major General Hassan Falah said Port Tawfiq Harbor received on Sunday a Saudi vessel coming from Jeddah carrying 12,000 commodities. In statements on Sunday, Falah said Zaytiyat Harbor received a ....

  • Google introduces phone with 3-D sensors

    Date: 2014-02-21 19:25:12 GMT - USA - Miscellaneous - SN:117 - ID:569019

    WASHINGTON, Feb 21 (MENA) - Google has unveiled a new phone that makes real-time, 3-D maps of its environments. Its "customized hardware and software" includes sensors that gives it the capability to make over a quarter of a million measurements ....

  • Alexandria University president says ready to receive delegations from Finnish universities

    Date: 2014-02-20 15:56:13 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:147 - ID:566968

    ALEXANDRIA, Feb 20 (MENA) – President of Alexandria University Osama Ibrahim said the university is ready to receive delegations from Finnish universities to benefit from their experience, especially in fields of mutual interest like green ....

  • 40 ships transit Suez Canal

    Date: 2014-02-20 11:26:53 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:57 - ID:566419

    ISMAILIA, Feb 20 (MENA) - Forty vessels transited the Suez Canal on Thursday carrying a total cargo of 2.267 million tons. The south-bound convoy included 22 ships carrying 1.499 million tons, while the north-bound convoy included 18 vessels ....

  • Child killed, 3 floors burnt in big fire

    Date: 2014-02-20 10:57:34 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:54 - ID:566290

    BANHA, Feb 20 (MENA) - A child was killed and three floors were in flames after a big fire started in a five-storey residential building at Qanater Khayria. Residents of the three floors were miraculously saved. Civil protection forces managed to ....

  • 3350 heads of cattle arrive at Safaga harbor, Adhbiya receives 17,000 tons of commodities

    Date: 2014-02-20 09:55:40 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:37 - ID:566060

    SUEZ, Feb 20 (MENA) - Head of the Red Sea Harbors Authority Major General Hassan Falah said Safaga Harbor received on Thursday a vessel coming from Djibouti laden with 3350 heads of cattle. Also, Adhbiya Harbor received on Thursday three vessels ....

  • Second semester starts Saturday at Al-Azhar institutes

    Date: 2014-02-19 15:49:14 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:147 - ID:564856

    CAIRO, Feb 19 (MENA) - Azhar Institutes Sector Chairman Gaafar Abdullah called on all Azhar institutes to commit to the date set for beginning the second semester on Saturday. In a statement, he called for Azhar academic staffers to do their best ....

  • 267 gold, ancient coins seized at Cairo airport

    Date: 2014-02-19 15:41:08 GMT - Egypt - Miscellaneous - SN:145 - ID:565083

    CAIRO, Feb 19 (MENA) - Customs officials at Cairo airport Wednesday seized a number of gold and ancient coins with a US passenger. The passenger arrived at Cairo airport on board an EgyptAir flight from Berlin. He had 267 gold pounds and ....

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