Middle East

  • Service : English General
  • Category : Middle East
  • British woman released from jail in Iran for three-day family reunion

    Date: 2018-08-23 16:25:29 GMT - United Kingdom - Middle East - SN:40 - ID:7544969

    LONDON, Aug 23 (MENA) – British-Iranian citizen Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe has been temporarily released from prison in Iran, her family has said, the Independent reported on Thursday. The 39-year-old was released from jail in Tehran on a ....

  • British Airways, Air France suspend flights to Tehran

    Date: 2018-08-23 15:40:18 GMT - France - Middle East - SN:38 - ID:7544947

    PARIS, Aug 23 (MENA) - Flagship airlines British Airways and Air France, have suspended flights to Tehran saying the route is no longer commercially viable, France 24 reported. Both airlines will cancel the route in September, amid increased US ....

  • Field hospital left behind by terrorists uncovered in Quneitra countryside

    Date: 2018-08-23 14:51:39 GMT - Syria - Middle East - SN:36 - ID:7544867

    DAMASCUS, Aug 23 (MENA) - An Army unit uncovered a field hospital during the sweeping operations conducted in the villages of Quneitra countryside. SANA’s reporter in Quneitra said the hospital includes CT scans, medicines and modern medical ....

  • Israeli court extends detention of Palestinian prisoner for 7th time

    Date: 2018-08-23 13:27:11 GMT - palestine - Middle East - SN:30 - ID:7544718

    RAMALLAH, Aug 23 (MENA) - Palestinian Prisoner's Society (PPS) lawyer Firas al Sabbah said Thursday that the Israeli military court in Ashkelon extended the detention of Palestinian prisoner Lama Khater, 42, for the seventh consecutive time for ....

  • Settlers attack Palestinians near Israeli checkpoint, slash tires of cars

    Date: 2018-08-23 12:52:04 GMT - palestine - Middle East - SN:27 - ID:7544707

    RAMALLAH, Aug 23 (MENA) - At least two Palestinians Thursday were injured after being attacked by Israeli settlers near Zaatara Israeli military checkpoint, south of Nablus, in occupied West Bank, said security sources. Sources told WAFA that the ....

  • Erekat urges holding Israel accountable for growing settlement activities

    Date: 2018-08-23 11:17:15 GMT - palestine - Middle East - SN:16 - ID:7544526

    RAMALLAH, Aug 22 (MENA) - PLO executive committee secretary Saeb Erekat called on Thursday for holding Israel accountable for okaying more settlement activities, referring to last week's UN report that called for holding those who violate the ....

  • UN Israeli violence panel chief resigns

    Date: 2018-08-22 18:15:23 GMT - Switzerland - Middle East - SN:44 - ID:7544048

    GENEVA, Aug 22 (MENA) - Chief of UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) commission on Israeli violence against Palestinians David Crane has resigned for "personal reasons", said a spokesman on Wednesday. Crane submitted his resignation to UNHRC ....

  • US replaced with UK in constructing re-designed Arak heavy reactor

    Date: 2018-08-22 15:39:16 GMT - Iran - Middle East - SN:38 - ID:7543967

    Tehran, Aug 22 (MENA) - The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi says that the United Kingdom has taken over the share of the United States in a working group tasked with re-building Arak heavy reactor. “The ....

  • PLO slams Trump statements on Jerusalem

    Date: 2018-08-22 12:53:03 GMT - palestine - Middle East - SN:27 - ID:7543690

    RAMALLAH, Aug 22 (MENA) - The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) condemned statements made by US President Donald Trump on Wednesday in Virginia state as he stressed that the issue of Jerusalem is off the negotiations' table. Member of the ....

  • Israel hands Palestinian demolition notice in Bethlehem

    Date: 2018-08-22 10:23:13 GMT - palestine - Middle East - SN:20 - ID:7543601

    RAMALLAH, Aug 22 (MENA) - Israeli occupation forces handed a Palestinian resident of Khedr town in southern Bethlehem a notice for the demolition of his house, citing construction without a permit as a pretext. The 120-square-meter-sized house ....

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