
  • Service : English General
  • Category : Local
  • Parliamentary committee approves bill on amending traffic rules

    Date: 2017-12-24 15:48:32 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:75 - ID:7157248

    CAIRO, Dec 24 (MENA) – The House of Representatives’ defense and national security committee gave Sunday its preliminary consent to a bill amending some of the traffic rules. Head of the committee Kamal Amer said the bill, introduced by MPs- was ....

  • Environment min. thanks MENA for special coverage

    Date: 2017-12-24 15:47:08 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:74 - ID:7156968

    CAIRO, Dec 24 (MENA) - Environment Minister Khaled Fahmy on Sunday thanked MENA Editor Hend Saeed for her special coverage of Environment files, especially the black cloud, climate change and other environmental issues. The minister was ....

  • Cairo gov.: All churches, gardens secured during Christmas celebrations

    Date: 2017-12-24 14:34:26 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:68 - ID:7157001

    CAIRO, Dec 24 (MENA) – Cairo Governor Atef Abdel Hamid directed on Sunday the governorate’s central operations room to be on alert during Christmas and New Year celebrations. During a meeting with the heads of various departments and authorities, ....

  • Damietta Port receives 7 vessels over past 24 hours

    Date: 2017-12-24 13:59:52 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:60 - ID:7156827

    DAMIETTA, Egypt, Dec 24 (MENA) - Damietta Port received over the past 24 hours three container ships and four cargo vessels, Damietta Port Authority Media Center said in a statement on Sunday. Two container ships and three cargo vessels left the ....

  • Navigation resumed at Nuweiba port after weather improvement

    Date: 2017-12-24 11:11:31 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:33 - ID:7156341

    EL TOR, Egypt, Dec 24 (MENA) - The South Sinai port of Nuweiba was reopened Sunday and the navigation resumed after the improvement of weather. The main operation center of the Red Sea Ports Authority follows up, in coordination with affiliate ....

  • Investment Ministry, Misr El Kheir Foundation to co-develop Sohag village

    Date: 2017-12-24 10:32:38 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:25 - ID:7156345

    CAIRO, Dec 24 (MENA) - The Investment Ministry and Misr El Kheir Foundation signed on Sunday a cooperation protocol to develop a village in upper Egypt at the cost of 17.6 million pounds. Speaking after the signing ceremony, Investment and ....

  • Education minister visits wounded in bus accident in Alexandria

    Date: 2017-12-23 16:08:11 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:52 - ID:7155501

    CAIRO, Dec 23 (MENA) - Minister of Education Tareq Shawki visited Saturday the wounded in a bus accident in Alexandria. A bus, which was heading from North Sinai to Alexandria overturned on the road, wounding the passengers who were going to ....

  • Alex. beefs up security ahead of Christmas

    Date: 2017-12-23 09:50:37 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:26 - ID:7154803

    ALEXANDRIA, Dec 23 (MENA) - Alexandria Governor Mohammed Sultan held an expanded meeting with executive and security leaderships to discuss underway preparations for Christmas celebrations The governor greeted Copts on the Christmas, stressing ....

  • Alexandria, Dekheila ports closed over bad weather

    Date: 2017-12-23 08:11:04 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:13 - ID:7154677

    ALEXANDRIA, Dec 23 (MENA) - Alexandria Port Authority decided to close Alexandria and Dekheila harbors due to bad weather and high wind velocity. The decision is meant to prevent any collision of ships and ensure safety of maritime navigation, ....

  • Alexandria University honors Grand Imam, Pope Tawadros, higher education min.

    Date: 2017-12-21 16:18:48 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:53 - ID:7152446

    ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT, Dec 21 (MENA) - Alexandria University honored Thursday a group of prominent figures, mainly Azhar Grand Imam Ahmed El Tayyeb, Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria on the sidelines of ....

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