
  • Service : English General
  • Category : Local
  • 45 ships transit Suez Canal

    Date: 2018-09-13 12:21:40 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:32 - ID:7574651

    ISMAILIA, Egypt, Sept 13 (MENA) - Fourty-five ships transited the Suez Canal on Thursday with a total cargo of 3.3 million tons. The south-bound convoy included 22 vessels carrying 1.5 million tons, while the north-bound convoy included 23 ships ....

  • PM witnesses inking of cooperation deal on potable water, sanitation projects

    Date: 2018-09-12 17:31:35 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:62 - ID:7573719

    CAIRO, Sept 12 (MENA) – Prime Minister and Minister of Housing, Utility and Urban Communities Moustafa Madbouli on Wednesday witnessed the signing of a protocol between the ministry and the Arab Organization for Industrialization to promote ....

  • Cabinet holds weekly meeting to discuss political, economic, social files

    Date: 2018-09-12 12:40:10 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:40 - ID:7573243

    CAIRO, Sept 12 (MENA) - The cabinet held its weekly meeting on Wednesday under Prime minister Mostafa Madbouli to discuss a number of political, economic and social files, as well as reports on services offered to citizens and preparations for the ....

  • Nasser Social Bank offers up to EGP 50,000 loan for school fees

    Date: 2018-09-12 09:18:52 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:14 - ID:7572767

    CAIRO, Sept 12 (MENA) – The first deputy of the board chairman of Nasser Social Bank said the bank will offer a loan at EGP 50,000 maximum for paying school fees. The loan is offered in support for needy families and low-income brackets, Sherif ....

  • Traffic on Alex desert road back to normal

    Date: 2018-09-10 11:50:24 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:29 - ID:7570119

    ALEXANDRIA, Sept 10 (MENA) - Traffic on Alexandria desert road was back to normal on Monday after being suspended for 15 minutes as a garbage truck overturned. The driver of the garbage truck lost control on the driving wheel as a vehicle veered ....

  • Irrigation minister in talks over Nile transgressions

    Date: 2018-09-10 11:31:11 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:27 - ID:7570108

    CAIRO, Sept 10 (MENA) - Irrigation Minister Mohamed Abdel Ati held a meeting on Monday over continued campaigns to remove transgressions along the River Nile. The meeting tackled ongoing efforts to remove Nile lily and grass from the river's ....

  • Minister lauds environmental awareness of citizens

    Date: 2018-09-10 10:33:12 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:20 - ID:7570085

    CAIRO, Sept 10 (MENA) - Environment Minister Yassmin Fouad lauded the awareness of the citizens regarding the importance protecting biological diversity and marine life. This came after a fish shop owner in the Canal city of Suez saved two sea ....

  • Real development carried out at gubernatorial level - minister

    Date: 2018-09-10 10:01:39 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:18 - ID:7570046

    CAIRO, Sept 10 (MENA) - Planning Minister Hala el Saeed said on Monday that real development is carried out at the level of governorates and not at a central level given the special characteristics each governorate enjoys. Unemployment and ....

  • Local development min. says providing people with high-quality services "top priority"

    Date: 2018-09-09 17:49:11 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:75 - ID:7569262

    CAIRO, Sept 9 (MENA) – Minister of Local Development Mahmoud Shaarawi said Sunday that providing people with high-quality services nationwide is a top priority for his ministry. Speaking at a press conference, Shaarawi elaborated that the ....

  • Solidarity min. inaugurates center concerned with reproductive health

    Date: 2018-09-09 11:33:00 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:42 - ID:7568527

    ALEXANDRIA, Sept 9 (MENA) - Minister of Social Solidarity Ghada Waly inaugurated Sunday a training and research center concerned with reproductive health. The minister was launching a campaign from Bibliothecha Alexandrina to promote awareness of ....

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