
  • Service : English General
  • Category : Local
  • 4 killed, one injured in traffic accident in Beni Suef

    Date: 2018-11-22 07:58:53 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:14 - ID:7680857

    BENI SUEF, Nov 22 (MENA) - Four people were killed and one person was injured on Thursday in a road accident on Beni Suef-Zaafarana road. Beni Suef security chief Gareer Moustafa was notified about a collision between a private car and a truck ....

  • Navigation movement back to normal after weather improvement

    Date: 2018-11-21 09:57:55 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:32 - ID:7679500

    SUEZ, Egypt, Nov 21 (MENA) - Navigation movement has returned to normal in the ports of the Red Sea after an improvement in weather conditions, head of the Red Sea Ports Authority Hisham Abu Senna said. In statements on Wednesday, Abu Senna added ....

  • 2 tugboats join Alexandria Port's fleet

    Date: 2018-11-19 15:48:48 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:72 - ID:7677033

    ALEXANRDIA, Egypt, Nov 19 (MENA) - Chairman of Alexandria Port Authority Admiral Medhat Attia said on Monday that two tugboats joined the authority's fleet to improve the service offered at the port. In a statement, Attia noted that the two ....

  • Fire at plastic factory in Shubra el Kheima contained

    Date: 2018-11-15 20:01:52 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:100 - ID:7672179

    BENHA, Egypt, Nov 15 (MENA) – Fire squads controlled a huge fire that broke out at a plastic factory in Shubra el Kheima neighborhood, Qalyubia. No casualties were reported in the incident. The prosecution ordered the forensic teams to ....

  • 772 persons received training program on spreading integrity values - ACA

    Date: 2018-11-15 12:48:08 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:52 - ID:7671296

    CAIRO, Nov 15 (MENA) - Up to 772 persons received a training program on spreading the values of integrity and transparency through the electronic education system via (www.aca.gov.eg), said the Administrative Control Authority (ACA) . The program ....

  • PM inspects sewage treatment plant in El Gabal El Asfar

    Date: 2018-11-15 12:12:19 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:44 - ID:7671157

    CAIRO, Nov 15 (MENA) - Premier and Housing Minister Moustafa Madboli checked on Thursday on work progress in the second phase of stage II of implementing the sewage treatment plant in El Gabal El Asfar in preparation for its official inauguration ....

  • EGP 1.2 bn allocated to sanitation projects in Qena, Sohag - min.

    Date: 2018-11-14 11:24:05 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:46 - ID:7669375

    CAIRO, Nov 14 (MENA) - Local Development Minister Mahmoud Sharawi said over EGP 1.2 billion was allocated to 16 giant sanitation projects in Qena and Sohag governorates within the framework of the ministry's program for developing Upper Egypt. In ....

  • Heavy rains continue in Alex for 2nd day in row

    Date: 2018-11-14 09:29:41 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:26 - ID:7669258

    ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, Nov 14 (MENA) - Heavy rains hit Alexandria seaport city and parts of Egypt’s northwestern Mediterranean coast for the second straight day on Wednesday. Navigation at Alexandria and El Dekheila harbors has not been affected by ....

  • PM presides over meeting to discuss development of public business sector firms

    Date: 2018-11-12 14:36:36 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:68 - ID:7666422

    CAIRO, Nov 12 (MENA) - The ministerial economic committee held a meeting Monday under Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli in the presence of the ministers of planning, tourism, finance, agriculture, trade and industry and public business enterprise. ....

  • Spokesman: House backs levying taxes on social media ads

    Date: 2018-11-12 13:13:14 GMT - Egypt - Local - SN:58 - ID:7666192

    CAIRO, Nov 12 (MENA) - Media Spokesman of the House of Representatives Salah Hasaballah, has said the house backs a decision by Minister of Finance Mohamed Mait to draw up a draft resolution on taxes instead of the 1973 law, which no longer meets ....

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