
  • Service : English General
  • Category : Justice
  • Sisi relieves 44 judges, appoints deputy chief justice of SCC

    Date: 2016-05-11 13:52:21 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:82 - ID:4887913

    CAIRO, May 11 (MENA) - President Abdel Fattah El Sisi decided Wednesday to pension off 44 judges, following a ruling to that effect by a disciplinary panel in March. Sisi also issued a decision to appoint Counselor Abdel Aziz Mohamed Shebl as ....

  • Trial of Ansar al Sharia terrorists delayed to June 21

    Date: 2016-05-11 13:20:21 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:78 - ID:4887669

    CAIRO, May 11 (MENA) - The Cairo Criminal Court on Wednesday postponed until June 21 the trial of 23 terrorists of the so-called 'Ansar al Sharia Brigades'. The defendants face charges of murdering 12 policemen, attempted murder of nine others, ....

  • Court refers documents of 25 Aswan death row inmates to mufti for approval

    Date: 2016-05-11 10:30:06 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:40 - ID:4885605

    ASSIUT, Upper Egypt, May 11 (MENA) – The criminal court of Qena referred the documents of 25 defendants in the trial over deadly Aswan tribal clashes to the mufti for approval after having sentenced them to death. A total of 163 are being tried ....

  • Trial of Badie, other MBs involved in Rabaa armed sit-in case adjourned to May 17

    Date: 2016-05-10 14:31:02 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:79 - ID:4881185

    CAIRO, May 10 (MENA) - The Cairo Criminal Court has adjourned to May 17 the trial of terrorist Muslim Brotherhood guide Mohammad Badie and other 739 members of the banned group over their involvement in the armed sit-in of Cairo's Rabaa Al Adawiya ....

  • Court annuls verdict against Morsi nephew, orders retrial

    Date: 2016-05-10 14:13:41 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:69 - ID:4880837

    CAIRO, May 10 (MENA) - The Court of Cassation decided during a session Tuesday under counselor Adel El Kinany, the vice president of the court, to annul a previous ruling by the criminal court on sentencing 9 defendants including the nephew of ....

  • Trial of 77 MB defendants postponed in Alexandria

    Date: 2016-05-09 21:16:17 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:117 - ID:4876101

    ALEXANDRIA, May 9 (MENA) - The trial of 77 Muslim Brotherhood members has been postponed till July 3 over charges including murder, riot and sabotage. The defendants are also accused of attacking a traffic police facility in central ....

  • Trial of 164 MB members in Sohag adjourned to Sept. 3

    Date: 2016-05-09 20:17:06 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:112 - ID:4875773

    SOHAG, May 9 (MENA) - Sohag Criminal Court has decided to adjourn the trial of 164 members of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood group on charges of inciting violence to September 3. The defendants are accused of joining a terror group aiming at ....

  • Appeal against seizure of 2 MB schools referred to Cairo Administrative Court

    Date: 2016-05-09 16:54:36 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:87 - ID:4874281

    DAMNHOUR, Egypt, May 9 (MENA) – Alexandria Administrative Court decided on Monday to refer an appeal against a decision to seize and transfer the management of two schools belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood in Kafr el Dawar to the education ....

  • 67 terrorists to stand trial over assassination of ex-prosecutor general Barakat - 2 Cairo last

    Date: 2016-05-08 18:32:08 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:113 - ID:4868157

    According to higher state security prosecution investigations, the defendants in the case are Muslim Brotherhood members and had contacted elements of Hamas movement and fugitive MB leaders outside the country to prepare a plot targeting some ....

  • 67 terrorists to stand trial over assassination of ex-prosecutor general Barakat

    Date: 2016-05-08 17:45:58 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:102 - ID:4867689

    CAIRO, May 8 (MENA) – Prosecutor General Nabil Sadeq referred 67 defendants of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood group to the criminal court to stand trial over the assassination of late prosecutor general Hesham Barakat. (MORE) W N E/A H E ....

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