
  • Service : English General
  • Category : Justice
  • Cairo Court rejects appeals by Mubarak, his sons, to unfreeze stock market assets

    Date: 2017-05-25 15:30:42 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:49 - ID:6827669

    CAIRO, May 25 (MENA) – North Cairo Court rejected on Thursday an appeal by former president Hosni Mubarak and his son Gamal to unfreeze assets in Central Clearing, Depository, and Registry Company. Also an appeal by Mubarak’s elder son, Alaa, ....

  • Life, rigorous imprisonments for 13 Muslim Brotherhood members

    Date: 2017-05-25 15:24:48 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:47 - ID:6827599

    ZAGAZIG, Egypt, May 25 (MENA) - Zagazig Criminal Court on Thursday issued verdicts ranging from rigorous imprisonment to life sentences against 13 members of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood group. They were convicted of inciting violence and ....

  • 37 MB members sentenced to 15 years in Sharqiya

    Date: 2017-05-24 16:09:29 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:66 - ID:6826270

    ZAGAZIG, Egypt, May 24 (MENA) - Zagazig Court sentenced on Wednesday 37 members of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood (MB) group to 15 years and one another to 10 years in jail on charges of rioting and inciting violence against state ....

  • Sahrqiya court sentences 3 people to life over killing ex-official

    Date: 2017-05-23 17:27:36 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:97 - ID:6824691

    ZAGAZIG, Egypt, May 23 (MENA) - Zagazig Criminal Court, under Counselor Zaki Mohamed, sentenced to life a farmer and two of his friends over killing an ex-deputy of electricity minister and his wife to rob them. The life sentence includes 15-year ....

  • Dozens of MB terrorists sentenced to various prison terms in Zagazig

    Date: 2017-05-23 16:24:40 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:93 - ID:6824547

    ZAGAZIG, Egypt, May 23 (MENA) - Zagazig Criminal Court on Tuesday, under Counselor Nassim Bayumi, sentenced 46 members of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood group to life and 15 years of rigorous imprisonment over staging protests, blocking the road ....

  • Trial of 213 terrorists delayed until June 17

    Date: 2017-05-23 13:50:05 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:82 - ID:6824278

    CAIRO, May 23 (MENA) - The Cairo Criminal Court has adjourned until June 17 the trial of 213 elements of Ansar Bait al Maqdas terrorist organization on charges of committing more than 54 terrorist operations that targeted police officers and ....

  • Retrial of ex-tourism ministers in land sale case postponed till Sept 19

    Date: 2017-05-23 13:42:17 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:79 - ID:6824279

    CAIRO, May 23 (MENA) - The Cairo Criminal Court on Tuesday adjourned until September 19 the retrial of former ministers of tourism Ahmed el Maghrabi and Zuhair Garana on charges of profiteering and facilitating the seizure of State-owned lands in ....

  • Churches bombings investigations reveal defendants trained to attack checkpoints 2 last Cairo

    Date: 2017-05-22 17:28:13 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:91 - ID:6823046

    Investigations of the Supreme State Security Prosecution said that defendant Ramy Abdel Hamid admitted that he knew terrorist Mahmoud Mohamed Mostafa who blew himself up in El-Botroseya Church through another defendant. He asserted that Mostafa ....

  • Churches bombings investigations reveal defendants trained to attack checkpoints

    Date: 2017-05-22 16:00:59 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:84 - ID:6822823

    CAIRO, May 22 (MENA) – Investigations of the Supreme State Security Prosecution said on Monday that some of the 48 defendants accused of bombing three churches are members of so-called Wilayat Sinai. The investigations also revealed that they had ....

  • Court adjourns retrial of 13 MB leaders in ‘Guidance Bureau’ case to July 10

    Date: 2017-05-22 11:51:18 GMT - Egypt - Justice - SN:46 - ID:6822287

    CAIRO, May 15 (MENA) - The Cairo Criminal Court adjourned until July 10 the retrial of 13 defendants of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood group. The defendants, including MB guide Mohamed Badei and his deputy Khairat el Shater, are accused of ....

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