
  • Service : English General
  • Category : Egypt
  • 31 ships handled at Damietta port over past 24 hours

    Date: 2023-05-30 10:07:30 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:28 - ID:10184769

    DAMIETTA, May 30 (MENA) - As many as 31 container ships and cargo vessels were handled at the Damietta Port in the past 24 hours. In a statement released on Tuesday, the Damietta Port Authority said the total volume of exported goods from the ....

  • Emigration min., Italian amb. discuss enhancing bilateral cooperation in files of mutual interest

    Date: 2023-05-30 09:45:28 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:25 - ID:10184639

    CAIRO, May 30 (MENA) - Minister of State for Emigration and Egyptian Expatriates' Affairs Soha Gendi discussed with Italian ambassador to Egypt Michele Quaroni and his accompanying delegation means of boosting bilateral cooperation in files of ....

  • 42,000 tons of goods handled at Red Sea Ports

    Date: 2023-05-30 07:52:22 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:17 - ID:10184514

    HURGHADA, May 30 (MENA) - About 42,000 tons of goods were handled at the different harbors of the Red Sea, as well as 652 trucks and 440 cars, the Red Sea Ports Authority (RSPA) said in a statement on Tuesday. The imports included 5,500 tons of ....

  • Egypt-Press-Headlines, 3 last Cairo

    Date: 2023-05-30 06:34:49 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:6 - ID:10184382

    -- THE EGYPTIAN GAZETTE: - Sisi: Development, stability key to stemming global crisis of massive refugee flows, displacement * UNHCR chief values Egypt's hosting of refugees in large numbers - PM reviews solutions to investor problems - ....

  • President Sisi witnesses tests for job applicants at education ministry

    Date: 2023-05-30 06:27:52 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:5 - ID:10184358

    CAIRO, May 30 (MENA) - President Abdel Fattah El Sisi witnessed on Tuesday pre-employment tests for applicants for jobs at the Education Ministry, which are conducted in cooperation with the Egyptian Military Academy. This was announced by ....

  • Egypt-Press-Headlines, 2 Cairo

    Date: 2023-05-30 06:26:39 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:4 - ID:10184359

    -- AL AKHBAR: - President probes means of boosting cooperation with UN High Commissioner for Refugees * Sisi: All forms of displacement should be handled through comprehensive approach * Roots of crises should be addressed to achieve ....

  • Egypt-Press-Headlines

    Date: 2023-05-30 06:20:56 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:2 - ID:10184329

    CAIRO, May 30 (MENA) - Following are the major headlines in Tuesday's local press: -- AL AHRAM: - Sisi, Erdogan agree to bolster ties, bilateral cooperation - Madbouli: Improving investment, stimulating real estate sector - 904 projects in ....

  • MENA Agenda for Tuesday, May 30

    Date: 2023-05-30 06:17:55 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:1 - ID:10184327

    CAIRO, The Supreme Council for Culture (SCC) holds its 69th annual meeting under Culture Minister Nevine el Kilani and SCC Secretary General Hisham Azmi at the Council's headquarters. NEW YORK, The UN Security Council holds a plenary session to ....

  • Official Gazette publishes PM's decision on reconstituting Cabinet's IDSC

    Date: 2023-05-29 19:58:38 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:79 - ID:10184088

    CAIRO, May 29 (MENA) - The Official Gazette published on Monday the prime minister's decision no. 2085 of 2023 on reconstituting the Cabinet's Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC). According to the decision, IDSC's board of directors ....

  • COMESA endorsement workshop kicks off in Cairo

    Date: 2023-05-29 19:11:18 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:77 - ID:10184005

    CAIRO, May 29 (MENA) - The first session of an endorsement workshop for the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) kicked off here on Monday, with the participation of member states' delegations, air navigation service providers and ....

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