
  • Service : English General
  • Category : Egypt
  • National dialogue's board of trustees lauds justice ministry's statement on foreign funding case

    Date: 2023-08-22 17:40:29 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:70 - ID:10311507

    CAIRO, Aug 22 (MENA) - The Board of Trustees of the National Dialogue lauded a statement issued by the Justice Ministry, which shed light on the latest developments in investigations into the case of foreign funding for civil society organizations. ....

  • Irrigation minister praises cooperation with Sweden in water fields

    Date: 2023-08-22 16:35:55 GMT - Sweden - Egypt - SN:63 - ID:10311382

    STOCKHOLM, Aug 22 (MENA) - Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Hani Swelim praised the cooperation between Egypt and Sweden in the water resources field, especially the support extended by the Swedish International Development Cooperation ....

  • GASC buys 60,000 tons of wheat in int'l tender

    Date: 2023-08-22 15:54:40 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:58 - ID:10311345

    CAIRO, Aug 22 (MENA) - The General Authority for Supply Commodities (GASC) has bought 60,000 tons of Romanian wheat in an international tender. In a statement Tuesday, GASC said that this came as part of the strategy adopted by the Supply and ....

  • State keen to enhance civil aviation sector: PM

    Date: 2023-08-22 15:22:49 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:57 - ID:10311333

    CAIRO, Aug 22 (MENA) -The State attaches great importance to enhancing the civil aviation sector, in a way that enhances its competitiveness opportunities at the regional and international levels, and maximizes the potentials and advantages that ....

  • Unemployment rate stands at 7% in Q2 2023: CAMPAS

    Date: 2023-08-22 14:27:37 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:53 - ID:10311168

    CAIRO, Aug 22 (MENA) - The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAMPAS) announced Tuesday that the unemployment rate in Egypt during the second quarter of 2023 declined by 0.1% to register at 7%, The total number of people in ....

  • National Elections Authority, Egypt Post sign cooperation protocol on transferring elections' needed supplies

    Date: 2023-08-22 13:21:58 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:45 - ID:10311010

    CAIRO, Aug 22 (MENA) - Chairman of the National Elections Authority Walid Hamza asserted that the authority is taking several measures to facilitate transferring logistic supplies needed for preparing for the upcoming presidential elections. He ....

  • Sisi directs to proceed with efforts for governance of fertilizers use

    Date: 2023-08-22 13:21:17 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:44 - ID:10311001

    CAIRO, Aug 22 (MENA) - President Abdel Fattah El Sisi directed to proceed with work for governance of using fertilizers and activating use of modern irrigation systems to save water. He also highlighted the role of the agricultural scientific ....

  • Sisi decrees establishing Badya Private University in 6th of October City

    Date: 2023-08-22 09:46:08 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:27 - ID:10310542

    CAIRO, Aug 22 (MENA) - President Abdel Fattah El Sisi issued presidential decree No.338 for the Year 2023 establishing Badya Private University to be localed in southern El Wahat Road in the 6th of October City. The university will host faculties ....

  • Egypt announces new oil discovery in Gulf of Suez

    Date: 2023-08-22 09:10:15 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:23 - ID:10310376

    CAIRO, Aug 22 (MENA) - The Petroleum Ministry announced on Tuesday a new oil discovery in the Geisum and Tawila West Concession in the Gulf of Suez. In a statement, the ministry said that the new discovery was made by Egypt's Cheiron Petroleum ....

  • NEA: Underway logistic preparations for holding presidential election

    Date: 2023-08-22 08:51:23 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:19 - ID:10310206

    CAIRO, Aug 22 (MENA) - The National Elections Authority (NEA) on Tuesday said that it has been working regularly to finalize logistic preparations for holding the anticipated presidential election. This came at a meeting of the NEA, under its ....

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