
  • Service : English General
  • Category : Economy
  • GASC announces two local, int'l tenders for purchasing cooking oil

    Date: 2023-09-18 16:33:33 GMT - Egypt - Economy - SN:54 - ID:10350900

    CAIRO, Sept 18 (MENA) - The General Authority for Supply Commodities (GASC) announced two local and international cooking oil tenders. In a statement, GASC said the tender is meant to purchase 30,000 tons of crude soya oil and 10,000 tons of ....

  • NCW, UN Women organize visit to Assiut to check on progress of "Tahweesha" program

    Date: 2023-09-18 16:04:26 GMT - Egypt - Economy - SN:49 - ID:10350700

    ASSIUT, Upper Egypt, Sept 18 (MENA)- The National Council for Women and UN Women organized a visit to Assiut governorate, in Upper Egypt, to follow up on progress in implementing "Tahweesha", a national program that aims to promote the financial ....

  • PM meets members of CFI to discuss supporting national industry

    Date: 2023-09-18 15:46:22 GMT - Egypt - Economy - SN:48 - ID:10350901

    CAIRO, Sept 18 (MENA) - Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli said that he welcomes any proposals which could contribute to enhancing the industrial sector. Madbouli's remarks came during his meeting Monday with members of the Chamber of Food ....

  • IFE: Sector faces local, global challenges

    Date: 2023-09-18 15:24:40 GMT - Egypt - Economy - SN:44 - ID:10350730

    SHARM EL SHEIKH, Egypt, Sept 18 (MENA) - Chairman of the Insurance Federation of Egypt Alaa el Zoheiry asserted the insurance industry is facing many challenges locally and globally, including inflation waves, disruption in supply chains and ....

  • Finance min.: Promoting partnership with private sector to extend UHIS for all people

    Date: 2023-09-18 15:21:14 GMT - Egypt - Economy - SN:43 - ID:10350698

    CAIRO, Sept 18 (MENA) - Minister of Finance Mohamed Maait on Monday said that the General Authority for the Universal Health Insurance seeks to promote its partnership with the private sector to extend health insurance coverage to all Egyptians ....

  • global (7): China's Hainan promotes trade cooperation with the UAE

    Date: 2023-09-18 15:17:39 GMT - China - Economy - SN:42 - ID:10350898

    Dear subscribers, the following is a global bulletin published for PRNewswire:‎ ‎ =========================================================== China's Hainan promotes trade cooperation with the UAE HAIKOU, China, Sept. 18, 2023 /PRNewswire/ ....

  • CAPMAS: UAE investments in Egypt hit dlrs 5.7 bn in FY 2021-2022

    Date: 2023-09-18 13:43:43 GMT - Egypt - Economy - SN:38 - ID:10350603

    CAIRO, Sept 18 (MENA) - The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) said that the UAE investments in Egypt have increased 4.3 billion dollars to reach 5.7 billion during the fiscal year 2021-2022, against 1.4 billion dollars ....

  • PM asserts importance of efforts to stimulate investments

    Date: 2023-09-18 13:36:51 GMT - Egypt - Economy - SN:37 - ID:10350554

    CAIRO, Sept 18 (MENA) - Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli asserted the importance of maintaining efforts exerted to facilitate and stimulate investments, particularly in industrial zones. The State is very interested in this vital sector in ....

  • PM discusses activating contract farming system

    Date: 2023-09-18 13:32:43 GMT - Egypt - Economy - SN:36 - ID:10350362

    CAIRO, Sept 18 (MENA) - Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli held a meeting with Agriculture Minister El Sayyed El Quseir and Public Business Sector Minister Mahmoud Esmat to discuss mechanisms for activating the contract farming system to cultivate ....

  • Mohieldin urges adopting comprehensive approach linking financing, implementing climate action to other SDGs

    Date: 2023-09-18 13:28:07 GMT - Egypt - Economy - SN:35 - ID:10350557

    CAIRO, Sept 18 (MENA) - Mahmoud Mohieldin, UN Climate Change High Level Champion for Egypt and UN Special Envoy on Financing 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, confirmed need to adopt a comprehensive approach that links financing and implementing ....

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