
  • Service : English General
  • Category : Economy
  • Egypt partakes in INDL-MEA 2024 Conference ‘Digital Labor Perspectives’

    Date: 2024-06-02 12:33:10 GMT - Egypt - Economy - SN:26 - ID:10730772

    CAIRO, June 2 (MENA) - Egypt, represented by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), participated in the inaugural conference of the Middle East and Africa (MEA) chapter of the International Network on Digital Labor (INDL), ....

  • FEC: Food exports to Iraq hit $175 mln in 2023

    Date: 2024-06-02 12:20:33 GMT - Egypt - Economy - SN:24 - ID:10730664

    CAIRO, May 22 (MENA) - The Food Export Council (FEC) said Sunday that the food industry sector's exports to Iraq increased by 32 percent in 2023 to reach 175 million dollars up from 133 million dollars in the previous year, 2022. The FEC, in a ....

  • Parl't speaker refers agreement with EIB to constitutional committee

    Date: 2024-06-02 09:17:27 GMT - Egypt - Economy - SN:13 - ID:10730323

    CAIRO, June 2 (MENA) - Speaker of the House of Representatives Hanafi el Gebali referred on Sunday to the legislative and constitutional committee Presidential decree No. 164 of 2024 approving a deal with the European Investment Bank (EIB). The ....

  • Egypt participates in 26th edition of AEF in Barcelona late in June

    Date: 2024-06-01 20:03:03 GMT - Spain - Economy - SN:61 - ID:10729958

    BARCELONA, June 1 (MENA) - Egypt participates in the activities of the African Energy Forum (AEF) in its 26th edition, hosted in Barcelona 25-28 June. As many as 2,500 participants from about 90 countries from around the world attend the ....

  • MENA launches new economic news service

    Date: 2024-06-01 16:54:47 GMT - Egypt - Economy - SN:32 - ID:10729656

    CAIRO, June 1 (MENA) - The Middle East News Agency (MENA) will launch a new news service, "Economy and Business" bulletin, to highlight the key role played by the private sector and its institutions to buttress the national economy in various ....

  • EgyptAir to operate 25 flights to transport pilgrims to Holy Lands Sunday

    Date: 2024-06-01 15:18:51 GMT - Egypt - Economy - SN:46 - ID:10729730

    CAIRO, June 1 (MENA) - EgyptAir will operate 25 flights Sunday in continuation of an air bridge it is operating to transport pilgrims to the Holy Lands in Saudi Arabia. In a statement Saturday, the national carrier said that 20 pilgrim flights ....

  • Petroleum min. launches pilot operation of expanded oil refinery of Nasr Petroleum Company

    Date: 2024-06-01 14:47:32 GMT - Egypt - Economy - SN:43 - ID:10729584

    CAIRO, June 1 (MENA) - Petroleum and Mineral Resources Minister Tarek el Mulla launched on Saturday the pilot operation of the expanded oil refinery of Nasr Petroleum Company in Suez at EGP 2 billion investments to magnify high-quality petroleum ....

  • Petroleum min.: support is growing for expansion of NGVs services

    Date: 2024-06-01 13:33:37 GMT - Egypt - Economy - SN:36 - ID:10729367

    CAIRO, June 1 (MENA) - Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Tarek el Molla has affirmed the growing presidential and governmental support for plans to expand natural gas vehicles (NGVs) services. The aim is to overcome obstacles and ....

  • System of allocating land plots for those paying in US dollar to be suspended as of June: min.

    Date: 2024-06-01 12:12:10 GMT - Egypt - Economy - SN:29 - ID:10729408

    CAIRO, June 1 (MENA) – Housing and Urban Communities Minister Assem el Gazar announced that the New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA) will suspend the system of land allocation for those paying in the US dollar from abroad as of June 2024. In a ....

  • CPA: Application of 'Price Radar' helps control markets

    Date: 2024-06-01 11:11:15 GMT - Egypt - Economy - SN:26 - ID:10729267

    CAIRO, June 1 (MENA) - Spokesman for the Consumer Protection Agency (CPA) Islam el Gazzar asserted the application of "Price Radar" is mainly helping control prices of different goods in markets and boost the competitive edge. The application, ....

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