Arab world

  • Service : English General
  • Category : Arab world
  • Abul Gheit warns of repercussions of incitement campaign against UNRWA

    Date: 2024-01-28 15:36:45 GMT - Egypt - Arab world - SN:47 - ID:10554494

    CAIRO, Jan 28 (MENA) - Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Abul Gheit warned of the serious repercussions of the campaign of incitement against the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), which has led some ....

  • Palestine delegate to AL tells MENA: Algeria's call for an emergency UNSC meeting welcomed

    Date: 2024-01-28 14:39:56 GMT - Egypt - Arab world - SN:42 - ID:10554334

    CAIRO, Jan 28 (MENA) - Palestine's Permanent Representative to the Arab League Mohannad Aklouk Ambassador announced that the Arab League Council welcomed, during its meeting Sunday, Algeria's invitation to hold an emergency meeting of the United ....

  • Kuwait: 4 people remanded in custody for 14 days for joining Daesh

    Date: 2024-01-28 11:53:56 GMT - Kuwait - Arab world - SN:28 - ID:10554009

    KUWAIT CITY, Jan 28 (MENA) - A Kuwaiti judge decided to remand in custody for 14 days four persons accused of joining the terrorist Daesh organization. Kuwaiti minister of interior said Thursday that the security services managed to abort a plot ....

  • Surging Red Sea violence could imperil fragile Yemen - paper

    Date: 2024-01-28 11:05:47 GMT - USA - Arab world - SN:25 - ID:10554080

    WASHINGTON, Jan 28 (MENA) - The escalating military confrontation between the United States and Houthi militants is threatening to deepen a humanitarian crisis in Yemen, where aid groups were already struggling to meet the country’s needs, relief ....

  • Sudan's TSC President heads for Algeria

    Date: 2024-01-28 07:38:47 GMT - Sudan - Arab world - SN:9 - ID:10553714

    PORT SUDAN, Jan 28 (MENA) - President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council (TSC) General Abdel Fattah Al Burhan headed on Saturday to Algeria on an official visit. In a statement on Sunday, the council's media office said Al Burhan had talks ....

  • Arab Health Expo offers opportunity to showcase Egypt’s healthcare capabilities: GAHC chief

    Date: 2024-01-27 18:22:48 GMT - Egypt - Arab world - SN:54 - ID:10553253

    CAIRO, Jan 27 (MENA) – The Arab Health Medical Expo, expected in Dubai from January 29 till February 1, offers a great opportunity to showcase Egypt’s capabilities in the healthcare sectors, President of the General Authority for Health Care (GAHC) ....

  • Palestine requests extraordinary AL meeting on ICJ Gaza ruling

    Date: 2024-01-27 16:00:11 GMT - Egypt - Arab world - SN:49 - ID:10553069

    CAIRO, Jan 27 (MENA) - Palestine's Permanent Representative to the Arab League Ambassador Mohannad Aklouk said his country had called for holding an extraordinary meeting of the Arab League Council to adopt a unified Arab position regarding the ....

  • Head of State Lawsuits Authority chairs draft Arab coop agreement meeting

    Date: 2024-01-27 15:41:39 GMT - Egypt - Arab world - SN:47 - ID:10553184

    BEIRUT, Jan 27 (MENA) – Chairman of the State Lawsuits Authority Massad Abdel Maqsoud el Fakharani chaired a meeting to prepare a draft Arab agreement for cooperation in the field of Arab state issues. Arab State Lawsuits Authorities in the Arab ....

  • AL chief welcomes ICJ ruling on Gaza genocide case

    Date: 2024-01-26 18:57:10 GMT - Egypt - Arab world - SN:58 - ID:10552136

    CAIRO, Jan 26 (MENA) - Arab League (AL) Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit has welcomed the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) ruling on South Africa's genocide case against Israel. In a statement released on Friday, Abul Gheit said the ICJ ....

  • Arab Parliament welcomes ICJ ruling on Gaza genocide case

    Date: 2024-01-26 17:53:27 GMT - Egypt - Arab world - SN:53 - ID:10552044

    CAIRO, Jan 26 (MENA) - The Arab Parliament welcomed on Friday the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) ruling on South Africa's genocide case against Israel. The court ruled that Israel must immediately take some provisional measures with ....

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