Web News Listing
- Service : English
39 ships transit Suez Canal
Date: 2018-01-23 14:01:25 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:24 - ID:7206874
Thirty-nine ships transited the Suez Canal on Tuesday, with a total cargo of 2.5 million tons. The south-bound convoy included 17 ships laden with 1.1 million tons, while the north-bound convoy included 22 vessels carrying 1.4 million tons, ....
Hemeda announces resignation from Misr el Erouba party
Date: 2018-01-23 13:36:12 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:23 - ID:7206733
Ragab Hilal Hemeda, the secretary of the policies committee of Misr el Erouba Party, announced his resignation from the party, that is chaired by Samy Annan, the former chief of staff and presidential hopeful. At a press conference, Hemeda said ....
Business sector minister orders probe into violations inside National Cement Co.
Date: 2018-01-23 13:35:24 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:22 - ID:7206830
Minister of the Business Sector Khaled Badawi met Tuesday with chairman of the National Cement Co. Mohamed Radwan to discuss problems hindering restructuring of the company. The National Cement Co. bore big losses during the last fiscal year. ....
Kuwaiti emir, Lebanese president discuss bilateral relations
Date: 2018-01-23 13:34:43 GMT - Kuwait - Arab world - SN:21 - ID:7206798
Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah al Ahmad al Jaber al Sabah received on Tuesday visiting Lebanese President Michel Aoun and his accompanying delegation at Bayan Palace. During the meeting, both sides discussed bilateral relations and means to upgrade ....
Egypt scourged by climate change - min.
Date: 2018-01-23 13:34:23 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:20 - ID:7206771
Water Resources and Irrigation Minister Mohamed Abdel Ati stressed that Egypt is suffering a lot from the impact of climate change, considering rising temperature as a major challenge threatening the Nile Delta region. Addressing the inaugural ....