Web News Listing

  • Service : English
  • US blocks call for independent Gaza inquiry at UN

    US blocks call for independent Gaza inquiry at UN

    Date: 2018-05-15 06:54:07 GMT - United Nations - Egypt - SN:1 - ID:7401367

    The US blocked the adoption of a UN Security Council statement that would have called for an independent probe of deadly violence on the Israel-Gaza border. The violence on the Israel-Gaza border erupted as the new US embassy in East Jerusalem ....

  • Abul Gheit calls for reconciliation among generations through dialogue

    Abul Gheit calls for reconciliation among generations through dialogue

    Date: 2018-05-14 13:57:32 GMT - Egypt - Arab world - SN:5 - ID:7400427

    The General Secretariat of the Arab League (AL) Ahmed Abul Gheit stressed that the chaos that has hit many Arab countries since 2011 reflects unprecedented alienation among youths. The AL chief underlined that the youths who were behind the ....

  • Abbas holds expanded meeting on US embassy relocation decision

    Abbas holds expanded meeting on US embassy relocation decision

    Date: 2018-05-14 13:50:04 GMT - palestine - Arab world - SN:4 - ID:7400408

    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will hold later Monday an expanded meeting to discuss the repercussions of the US decision to relocate its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, said PLO Executive Committee Secretary Saeb Erekat. The meeting, to ....

  • Sisi asserts importance of forming Arab strategy to invest youth potentials

    Sisi asserts importance of forming Arab strategy to invest youth potentials

    Date: 2018-05-14 12:06:19 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:3 - ID:7400100

    President Abdel Fattah El Sisi asserted the importance of forming an Arab strategy to invest the potentials of youths in various fields to protect them against extremist thought and fabricated concepts. The president's remarks came during his ....

  • House speaker stresses need to have majority, opposition parties

    House speaker stresses need to have majority, opposition parties

    Date: 2018-05-14 11:21:54 GMT - Egypt - Egypt - SN:2 - ID:7399953

    Speaker of the House of Representatives Ali Abdel Aal has stressed the need to have majority and opposition parties to have an active parliament. Abdel Aal was speaking in a session after parliament approved a draft law on cyber crimes earlier ....

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